Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We had a very nice Christmas!

We went to church on Christmas Eve and both girls went into the candlelight service with us. Lilly loved singing and Ella loved staring at the people behind us (thankfully they got a kick out of it).
Ella wore new red shoes for Christmas. It was the first time she's worn "real" shoes and it was hysterical watching her walk in them. She usually wears a soft leather pair of slipper-type shoes.
On Christmas morning Lilly woke up 2 hours before Ella (which is normal). She was a great sport and waited almost the whole time to go downstairs to see what Santa brought. We finally decided to let her go see the things Santa didn't wrap before Ella woke up.

She was sooo excited to lay her eyes on the trampoline.

She immediately started jumping and yelling, "How did you know Santa? How did you know??"

When Ella woke up she had fun playing with her presents that Lilly opened for her. Her favorite gift was the pink chair in the background. Lilly has had the same chair and Ella loves it so for Christmas Santa brought her her very own.
Lilly talking to Papa while opening her stocking.
Ella opening her stocking.
Her chair...
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

Andy's already taken all the Christmas decorations (and trees) down! At least the house looks less cluttered...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Front Porch

I have been asked by many to show pictures of our new front porch. I haven't posted pictures because technically it is not finished! The wonderful contractor did not come back to finish the job. So, Andy has put some finishing touches on it and will pursue the contractor to finish the rest. Here is our semi-finished front porch. The shutters are not put back onto the brick and the step is not complete in this picture but it is done at this time (can't take a picture because of the snow).

I do love the porch and am can't wait to use it in warmer weather.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Special Day

In preparation for my final appointment...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Santa Tradition

Just as he did last year, and every year when Andy was a kid, Santa came around tonight on a fire truck. It is very exciting when we hear the sirens coming down the street. So exciting that while I was mid-flip of a pancake and heard the sirens I jumped up and started yelling, "Hurry!!! Santa's here, Santa's here!!!!!" which in turn made Lilly scared and cry. Oops. But I got excited and knew we had to get on coats and shoes and make sure they didn't pass our house.

It turns out we had plenty of time as they turned down another street first. We even had time for our friends to come down and join us. Here's the crew waiting (minus Lindsay who was with mom off to the side)...
Here he comes! Lilly giving Santa a wave...
The highlight is getting candy canes from the fire fighters.
Ella didn't know what to think.
The whole crew after Santa left.
Forget about dinner...

Monday, December 14, 2009


Things are the same around here!  Not much to report.  Our days are filled with preschool, playing, cleaning up (endless), preparing for Christmas, and eating.  

Some things are changing...
Ella has really come into an adorable and happy personality!  She understands some of what we say and she is starting to play with Lilly which is really cute (Lilly loves it too).  Ella has such a charming smile and is so endearing.  She still walks like a drunk.  I need to get some video to share.  I've never seen anything like it.  

Lilly is as spunky as ever and is enjoying playtime with Ella.  She loves school and her friends and has a lot to say.  Her imagination is in full swing and she constantly has a group of "friends" over from China.  She also has a family in China that she speaks of (and to) often.  She is very very funny.  I don't know how I'd get through my day without her.

We can't wait for Santa!  Hope you're excited too.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Big Guns

Today I received the professional pictures of the girls in the mail. It's so nice to see pictures where the girls are looking at the camera and smiling. "Uncle Bruce" really is amazing. He's so soft-spoken and the kids love him. I took photos of the pictures so they're not the best quality...

Oh how I would have loved to use this for the Christmas card. Sigh.
*I couldn't justify the cost when I know people toss them.

I love this one.
Ella's 1 year picture.
Silly 1 year hat picture for her baby book. Gotta document the 'nose scrunch'.
I did whip together Christmas cards last night. I picked them up at Walgreens today and even mailed them out. They are not great. And I do not care. I have officially let that go. And it feels so good.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Card

If there's a Christmas card this year it will be a Christmas miracle. I'm about to bag it. I loathe this chore. Seriously, it's on the top of my "I can't stand to do..." list. That and take the kids to have their pictures taken.

Here are a few of my attempts...

Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Winter is here!
It's cold and we're ready for some snow!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Ella (and Lilly) has found a new favorite place.  And she loves hanging out, bouncing, and giggling in her new little "cave."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Great Husband

Andy rocked Tuesday morning! He went 2 hours early to Lilly's preschool registration for next year. Just like the dance recital it's a competition to get into the 4's morning class next year. The afternoon classes are not a problem. I need Lilly to be in the morning since Ella will be taking one afternoon nap. Word on the street was that you had to get there early to secure one of the 16 spots available. Each person could take one other person's registration card as well so Andy took my friend Kristen's card. He was sixth in line so I guess we're in! Yay Andy!

When I arrived to drop Lilly off for school he was at the front of the line ready to hand in the card. I whipped out my camera and snapped a shot while everyone in line laughed at me. Hee hee. But I got the shot. It's not the most flattering since I didn't have time to set up the perfect picture, but it's proof that Andy was there for us!

Thank you Andy!
One day Lilly will be able to read this and will see all that you did for her ;).

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Very Special Arrival

A week ago today, Elijah Riley Trebony entered this world 6 weeks early. He weighed in at 5 lbs, 10 oz and is 19 inches long! He is doing well and so is mom (Krissy) and big sister Savannah.

You are gorgeous.
Welcome to the world sweet boy.

We love you!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Tree!

Every year we go to the same VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) to pick out our Christmas tree. It is tradition to pick out the saddest looking tree that most families would overlook. It is also cost-effective! I have made it a tradition to have them take our picture. I love traditions.

December 2006

December 2007
December 2008
(Ella was only 11 days old!)
December 2009
(No, I was not harming Lilly. In fact we were trying to hold hands but her shirt was so big I couldn't find her hand. And that's not a grimace on her face it's a forced smile. Keep in mind the gentleman taking the photo is half-lit and doesn't count or speak for that matter; did I mention the VFW is code for grown-up fraternity?)