Things are the same around here! Not much to report. Our days are filled with preschool, playing, cleaning up (endless), preparing for Christmas, and eating.
Some things are changing...

Ella has really come into an adorable and happy personality! She understands some of what we say and she is starting to play with Lilly which is really cute (Lilly loves it too). Ella has such a charming smile and is so endearing. She still walks like a drunk. I need to get some video to share. I've never seen anything like it.
Lilly is as spunky as ever and is enjoying playtime with Ella. She loves school and her friends and has a lot to say. Her imagination is in full swing and she constantly has a group of "friends" over from China. She also has a family in China that she speaks of (and to) often. She is very very funny. I don't know how I'd get through my day without her.
We can't wait for Santa! Hope you're excited too.