Monday, November 26, 2012


After we lost power due to Hurricane Sandy, we had to bypass the electric start on our gas fireplace so we could be warm.  We didn't put the screen back on (oversight) and when I lit the fireplace the following day (by just turning a switch on the wall) I didn't think anything of it.  Luke stepped up on the hearth and placed both hands for balance on the glass and began to scream frantically. 

It was a cry I've never experienced with any of our babies.  He was flailing and screaming and I didn't know what was wrong at first and once I figured out he'd been burned I wasn't sure where.  I had been sitting on the floor next to him looking through a Christmas magazine with Ella when it happened but I didn't watch it happen.

I called the pediatrician and once I figured out it was his hands that were hurting I held them under cold water but his cries never let up.  The pediatrician told me to head over and on the way I veered to the ER instead because he was still flailing and screaming a blood curdling scream that was stressing me out big time. 

Thankfully the ER took us back in immediately and he was quickly evaluated and it was decided they would knock him out so he could get some relief...

 Once he was asleep (thank God he passed out 2 min after getting the drug that I wish I had at home) the doctor assessed his hands and determined there were 2nd degree burns on 5 fingertips and 1st degree burns on the palm of one hand.  Unfortunately these types of burns hurt the most!  Eventually they had to wake him to clean the burns and wrap them and he was very brave.
 Here were the blisters on the first night...

 Day 2...
 Day 3 and on this day Gabe bit Luke's finger and popped a blister which is what the pediatrician warned us not to let happen.  Sigh. 
The good news is they have all healed beautifully, no infection set in, the screen is back on the fireplace and we turned it down to low, and all is well again.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Holy Hell

Since Halloween was cancelled I still wanted to do something "Halloweeny" with the kids on the 31st so I looked around and found a sort of nearby kiddie gym, dressed the kids up (all of them since Lilly's school was cancelled), and schlepped them to the gym. 

I guess everyone had the same idea.  It was utter chaos!  Lilly loved it and went off and had a blast, Ella loved it but was also in a bit of shock, Luke loved it and explored everything as fast as he could, and Gabe was traumatized by all the people and sucked his thumb and twirled his hair.

The pictures I took are terrible because they were with my cell phone and clearly (or not so clearly) I didn't have a steady hand.  The gym also looks empty but I swear it was so crowded I couldn't breathe and was rubbing elbows with moms and dads alike.  Ack.
Gabe wouldn't wear the puppy head and Luke wouldn't wear any part of his costume except the black pants and shirt that go under the costume.
 Ella in her ballerina costume.
 Gabe looks drugged here, oops.  There was a mean mean boy in the ball "pit" and his crazy dad gave me rage.  He was probably 4 and he was chucking balls my boys' faces, over the wall into the cafe, at me, at his dad... all with evil laughter.  Then he shoved Gabe and hit Luke in the face and I said, "Oh no no we don't hit!" and his dad just smiled.  What the heck!?  I don't know why I continued to let my kids play in this teeny tiny ball bucket.  Eventually I said, "Let's go, we're not safe here." 

Some parents need classes.
I'm glad the kids had a good time but I did not love it.  Oh, it was free.  I forgot to mention that part; hence all the people.
Happy Halloween

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Puppy Play Date and Oliver is One!

 Oliver turned a year old on Nov. 1st. 
My baby is 1!  I can't believe it.
Oliver is such a nice boy that he has lots of friends who stop by to play.  Rex is one of his favorite buds.  Rex is a beautiful red Goldendoodle.  On this particular day Rex brought his cousin Mookie who is mini Labradoodle (and Oliver is a St. Berdoodle).

 The dogs had a blast running and playing like maniacs for a good 30 minutes before passing out.
Rex and the boys.  I love Rex's color.  Rex is actually the reason I set out looking for Oliver.  His owners would walk him by the house and I just fell in love.

 Can you see all 3 under the water spiggot?

 Happy 1st Birthday to our gentle giant Oliver.  
We love you soooo much!
 It's so nice to have such a loving and friendly dog who gets along with and loves other animals and people.  I love that he jumps up on my car window every time I leave without taking him.  Well, it breaks my heart but I do love it.  Hi sweet boy!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Croft Farm Fall Festival

Leading up to Halloween we enjoyed many fall festivals including Croft Farm which we visit every fall.  This year I only took the girls while the boys stayed home and napped. 

Lilly enjoyed walking the tight rope!  The guy said, "She's a gymnast, eh?"
Then Ella took her turn and the guy's muscles were bulging because Ella is dead weight.  She's not very strong and the guy just laughed.  He said, "It takes all types!"  Ha.  Sweet Ella.
There was hand and face painting...

and the girls' favorite... pony rides!

Lilly chose the big horse this time.  She rode alone too.  We had a great time and it was perfect fall weather to top it off.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Stellwag's Farm; A Slice of Heaven

We headed out to Stellwag's Farm for our yearly pumpkin picking excursion.  Love this farm!  It's secluded and never crowded and it's very inexpensive!

 We waited for the tractor to come...
 It was a perfect fall day.
 The hayride lasts a good amount of time and meanders through the woods that are decorated.
 The boys were in awe of all the hanging decorations.
 The hayride dropped us off in a little field where the kids could "pick" the perfect size pumpkin.


 We had a great time.  Love to go to places where I can relax and enjoy my favorite season without crowded lines and fussy people.

Speaking of my favorite season, this fall produced some gorgeous foliage!!
 We still haven't carved our pumpkins yet due to hurricane Sandy who arrived and turned everything upside down leaving Halloween celebrations to take place on Monday.  Thankfully we still have time to carve and we can get our candy at 50% off.  Hee hee.

Catch Up

Sitting down to do a bunch of catch up blogs.  I feel so behind!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Life is Good

Last weekend I heard there was a (free) truck show in the parking lot of a local mall.  Now that we have boys we're really into trucks of all types so this was exciting!

Look at this bigrig!

 Everyone smile and look at Mommy!!!  ... Or not.
 Luke and Lilly went through the smoky fire simulation trailer all by themselves.  When you finished you had to climb down the ladder to safety.  Lukey loved it.
He had trouble figuring out how to turn around and climb down backwards.  The nice firefighter helped him.
 Then there was the big digger (which I call anything that digs).  Luke and Gabe were terrified, lol.
 There were so many trucks and fun things to see that the kids were running here and there.  Lilly was Miss Independent and climbing up in every truck.  Ella loved it too but stayed nearby.  Gabe was clingy and nervous but I think deep down he loved it too :).

Lilly had fun with a rescue puppy.
Lilly waited all day to climb the rock wall.  I was surprised when she actually got scared midway up and cried to come down.  Maybe she does have a little caution in her!

 We collected so much junk!!  We came home with pencils, bags, fire hats, construction hats, tattoos, crafts, water bottles, you name it! 

 Lilly lost her 5th tooth this week.
And Ella spent the boys' nap time doing crafts and magnetic tiles.  She also fell in love with the Barbie PopStar movie.
 The boys tried on their Halloween costumes (we already had one from when Ella was 2).  Look at my puppy dogs lying with their big puppy dog.

We went to our favorite toy store for the free craft and to Barnes & Noble for storytime.
 Our poor baby Oliver had a 9 hour grooming at Pet Smart!  They didn't know what they were getting into apparently and I dropped him at 10 a.m. expecting him back by 2:30.  At 7:30 p.m. I went to get him and told them I needed him whether he was done or not!!  My poor poor baby boy.  They loved him and said he was great.  The boy just had so much hair.
 Luke and Gabe (and Ella and Lilly!) continue to love school. 

The boys are definitely feeling their crazy 2 year old selves!  When I was waiting to pick Ella up from her class yesterday they had a little fun with the soap in the bathroom.  Look at their 'busted!' faces...
Life is good.  I can't complain.