Monday, June 18, 2012


We officially have a 1st grader!!
Today was Lilly's last day of kindergarten.  I can't believe she finished her first year of big kid school.  She doesn't seem fazed by the end of school and start of summer.  She's currently playing in the front yard with our neighbor.  I keep thinking I should be doing something special to commemorate this day but then again I tend to over-think everything.

School's Out For Summer!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Today the kids played in the puddles.  I was taking pictures of the boys wearing their rain boots for the first time.  As Ella was holding her dress and enjoying the excitement of puddle-jumping I was reminded of a time 3 years ago when Lilly was doing the same exact thing in the same exact dress!

Ella today...
 Lilly at the same age in the same dress.  Time flies!
I hope time slows down.  
I don't think I can take the changes in my babies!

Monday, June 11, 2012


Boys are so cool.  I am loving raising these two little maniacs.
They are so different in body type, appearance, and even personality.  But they adore one another and each bring something spectacular to our family.

Do you notice Luke's arm is cast-free?!  Yep, we went to the orthopedic last week and he didn't feel the x-ray showed a fracture!  I was shocked and thrilled.  He told me he'd have to cast him up to his shoulder if he felt strongly that it was fractured. 
Summer+cast up to shoulder+toddler+pool=Not fun.

We're keeping an eye on it and I can already tell you he's fine!  Not to mention Papaw visited us this weekend and I consider him an expert.  He agrees it's fine. :)  Speaking of Papaw, we had a great weekend together and I'm upset with myself that I never took out my camera but as Papaw can attest, there's not much free time in this house right now!

These boys are a wonderful addition to our family.  I love watching them play, laugh, get into trouble, love one another, and enjoy their little toddler lives.  Luke is a big boy, strong as an ox but a gentle gentle boy.  He is sensitive and kind and loves to share. He's a champion sleeper sleeping up to 16 hours a night which resulted in dropping his nap earlier than expected.  He is smiley and happy with beautiful blond hair that grows like a weed.  He's our eater and will try anything and eats a lot.  As I type this at 10:30 a.m. he is still sleeping from last night.  I love my sweet boy.  Gabe is small in stature but big in personality!  He's lean and tiny and feisty.  Gabe usually gets his way and when he speaks we all listen!!  Gabe is very funny and can knock you out with his eyes.  He knows how to cut his eyes, blink slowly with his long lashes, and look at you from under those lashes and melt your heart.  Gabe does not love to share but is working on it.  Like Lilly, Gabe wakes early but still takes an awesome 3 hour nap and the boy loves to cuddle.  Gabe, like Ella, eats very little and is very picky.  I love my feisty cuddly boy!

I can't believe the boys will be two in a little over a month.  
Time has flown but we're sure as heck having fun.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Fracture #2 goes to ...


I'm fighting my guilt right now but today Luke fractured his thumb and I completely take the blame.  Once again, our sweet dog Oliver, ran through his invisible fence (after a rabbit).  I had to pull him very hard back into our yard (and into the correction zone) and ask I was struggling to pull him by his leash, he bumped into Luke and knocked him over onto the sidewalk.  It wasn't a big fall and Luke only had a scrape on his thumb but over the next hour his thumb swelled and he wouldn't use it.  The boys and I headed to the ER while the girls headed to the pool with a friend/neighbor (Lilly had swim practice and Andy was at a retirement dinner).

They loved the room.  The bed, stickers, phone, remote, lights, trash can, and curtain were the coolest in their eyes!

Checking out their stickers and Luke examining his "big boo boo."
 Gabe wanted me to put his stickers on his shoes.  Luke loved the idea and they giggled and kept the stickers on until bedtime.
 The x-ray revealed a fracture at the base of his thumb and they temporarily casted him until I can get him to a pediatric ortho tomorrow or the next day.  He does not like the cast even though they put dinosaur tape all around the ace bandage!  
Brilliant I thought...
 We got home way after his bedtime but he hung in there watching a movie on the way home.  Gabe was an awesome buddy for him making him laugh the whole time.
 Wearing his sister's Snoopy shirt since it fit over the cast, he sleeps peacefully.
Getting used to boys and their injuries!  I wasn't even nervous today.  I've definitely come a long way.  Here's hoping to the ortho thinking a large cast isn't necessary...