Last weekend I heard there was a (free) truck show in the parking lot of a local mall. Now that we have boys we're really into trucks of all types so this was exciting!
Look at this bigrig!
Look at this bigrig!
Everyone smile and look at Mommy!!! ... Or not.
Luke and Lilly went through the smoky fire simulation trailer all by themselves. When you finished you had to climb down the ladder to safety. Lukey loved it.
He had trouble figuring out how to turn around and climb down backwards. The nice firefighter helped him.
Then there was the big digger (which I call anything that digs). Luke and Gabe were terrified, lol.
There were so many trucks and fun things to see that the kids were running here and there. Lilly was Miss Independent and climbing up in every truck. Ella loved it too but stayed nearby. Gabe was clingy and nervous but I think deep down he loved it too :).
Lilly had fun with a rescue puppy.
Lilly waited all day to climb the rock wall. I was surprised when she actually got scared midway up and cried to come down. Maybe she does have a little caution in her!
We collected so much junk!! We came home with pencils, bags, fire hats, construction hats, tattoos, crafts, water bottles, you name it!
Lilly lost her 5th tooth this week.
And Ella spent the boys' nap time doing crafts and magnetic tiles. She also fell in love with the Barbie PopStar movie.
The boys tried on their Halloween costumes (we already had one from when Ella was 2). Look at my puppy dogs lying with their big puppy dog.
We went to our favorite toy store for the free craft and to Barnes & Noble for storytime.
Our poor baby Oliver had a 9 hour grooming at Pet Smart! They didn't know what they were getting into apparently and I dropped him at 10 a.m. expecting him back by 2:30. At 7:30 p.m. I went to get him and told them I needed him whether he was done or not!! My poor poor baby boy. They loved him and said he was great. The boy just had so much hair.
Luke and Gabe (and Ella and Lilly!) continue to love school.
The boys are definitely feeling their crazy 2 year old selves! When I was waiting to pick Ella up from her class yesterday they had a little fun with the soap in the bathroom. Look at their 'busted!' faces...
Life is good. I can't complain.