After I update this blog I am headed to bed with 2 books! One is a fictional book I'm really enjoying by Ann Packer called "Songs Without Words." The other is a parenting book titled "1-2-3 Magic" which I'm really excited about. It is a very popular book to help parents with discipline (been around for years and years) and we all know I need help. I think Lilly is wonderful but I feel like I'm not consistent and am always trying different strategies. This book has a wonderful concept behind it that the child learns to do the right thing and you (the caregiver/parent) don't have to argue, fuss, get angry, raise your voice, nothing!!! I just have to be consistent and tell Lilly, "That's one" (meaning her first chance to do the right thing) and if she continues, "That's two" (her second chance to make the right decision) and if she still repeats the behavior (which she will at first for sure) then I say calmly, "That's three, take 2" and Lilly will have a time-out of sorts for 2 minutes. I'm not angry, she's not being punished, but she's being removed from the behavior/activity for a short time. Then when that 2 minutes (because she's almost 2 years old) is over there's NO discussion! Just resume playing together or whatever we were doing. Eventually the kids learn after hearing, "That's one" to correct their behavior. I'm excited to have a plan because that's what I was looking for. And this is loving and calm and I won't get all stressed out and upset with her. Wish me luck.
We had a wonderful visit with my friend Krissy and her family yesterday! She was in town from Minnesota for Christmas visiting her family. I love when we get our girls together but it's so bitter sweet because it's a reminder that she doesn't live here anymore and we could be spending a lot of our days together if she did. But I'm thrilled to get many visits like this one. Savannah was so cute and while Lilly said a lot of "MINE" to her, she didn't know the difference since she's younger and Lilly still did some sharing. Below are some pictures of the girl's together.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I know we did and now it's time to recover!