Thursday, December 27, 2007

Back On Track

Well the Christmas hustle and bustle is over and today was a "normal" day for me and Lilly. We went to visit Babcia, visited a friend, got lunch, Lilly took a nap, we played with baby dolls, went for Mommy's allergy shot, then came home and played with Daddy and ate dinner. Then it was bath and bed for Lilly and relaxing time for Mommy and Daddy.

After I update this blog I am headed to bed with 2 books! One is a fictional book I'm really enjoying by Ann Packer called "Songs Without Words." The other is a parenting book titled "1-2-3 Magic" which I'm really excited about. It is a very popular book to help parents with discipline (been around for years and years) and we all know I need help. I think Lilly is wonderful but I feel like I'm not consistent and am always trying different strategies. This book has a wonderful concept behind it that the child learns to do the right thing and you (the caregiver/parent) don't have to argue, fuss, get angry, raise your voice, nothing!!! I just have to be consistent and tell Lilly, "That's one" (meaning her first chance to do the right thing) and if she continues, "That's two" (her second chance to make the right decision) and if she still repeats the behavior (which she will at first for sure) then I say calmly, "That's three, take 2" and Lilly will have a time-out of sorts for 2 minutes. I'm not angry, she's not being punished, but she's being removed from the behavior/activity for a short time. Then when that 2 minutes (because she's almost 2 years old) is over there's NO discussion! Just resume playing together or whatever we were doing. Eventually the kids learn after hearing, "That's one" to correct their behavior. I'm excited to have a plan because that's what I was looking for. And this is loving and calm and I won't get all stressed out and upset with her. Wish me luck.

We had a wonderful visit with my friend Krissy and her family yesterday! She was in town from Minnesota for Christmas visiting her family. I love when we get our girls together but it's so bitter sweet because it's a reminder that she doesn't live here anymore and we could be spending a lot of our days together if she did. But I'm thrilled to get many visits like this one. Savannah was so cute and while Lilly said a lot of "MINE" to her, she didn't know the difference since she's younger and Lilly still did some sharing. Below are some pictures of the girl's together.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I know we did and now it's time to recover!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Lilly and I went to Daddy's school's band concert. Lilly was very good (as we were expecting her to sit for approx. 45 min and listen to a 5th and 6th grade band). Later that evening when we were home and I was cooking dinner I found Lilly looking at a trumpet ornament on the Christmas tree. I love that ornament because it was my mom's and on our family's Christmas tree growing up. She proceeded to take that one ornament off and practice blowing it as she'd seen in the concert. I thought that was so cute! This child has a GREAT memory (thank goodness because mine is horrible). So I grabbed the camera and was able to capture it.

Ode to Sandy...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sweet Lilly

Yes, so I'm a bit behind on the blog (thank you Krissy for kicking my butt into gear) but I've been very busy trying to decide how I'm going to survive motherhood. My sweet and precious Lilly Belle - oh my goodness what will I do with you??? Some of you know that I've been struggling with how to discipline Lilly effectively. I still haven't come to any grand conclusions but I have however devised a plan that is somewhat working.

The problem: Lilly loves to be disciplined. Rather Lilly loves to spit and hit and then watch my reaction and she looooves any negative discipline (time-out, anger (on my part), and/or frustration (on my part).

The solution: I will ignore all repetitive, purposeful, negative behavior UNLESS it involves another child in which case I will apologize (for Lilly) then remove and redirect her.

My fear: That other mothers will think I'm total slacker mom and that I'm not punishing my child for her behavior (i.e. spitting which is her favorite passtime). I really want to stand at the top of a mountain and yell to all that can hear, "I AM DOING THE BEST I CAN UP HERE! I HAVE TRIED TIME OUT, YELLING, IGNORING, REDIRECTING, SWATTING, AND EVERY OTHER DISCIPLINE UNDER THE SUN!" but of course I will not do that. Instead I will be secure in my decision and continue with my plan of action.

I never knew parenting a "spirited" toddler could be so much fun. I'll tell you this - there's never a dull moment.

But let me end on this note... Lilly is sweet, witty, charming, fun, and happy. So she likes to push the envelope every now and then. I can deal with that.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Failure Mom

Today has been a bad day. I feel like the biggest failure ever! And I want more kids... Maybe I'm not cut out for it?? So today Lilly had nursery school. Five minutes before we were supposed to leave I remembered I was supposed to bring in a bag of marshmallows today so we left in a hurry and I stopped by 7Eleven thankful that they had a bag. Then, we made our way to the school. As we arrived I saw many moms in the parking lot carrying food and gifts. It crossed my mind that maybe this was the last day of school before Christmas and I panicked since I am the room mom and collected money for gift cards for the teachers and did not bring them (or buy them) but I quickly dismissed it knowing that the public schools have school next Friday so Lilly must too.

As I walk into the classroom I ask one of the moms if this is the last class and she says, "No" so I breathe a sigh of relief. Shortly after another mom walks in wearing a Christmas sweatshirt and Christmas ball earrings. Then I look around the room and see all the days activities are Christmas activities... So I ask another mom and she does in fact verify that this is the last day of class until January. Shoot!!! I am panicked and don't know what to do. So I confide in a couple of the moms I'm friendly with and they say, "Run home and get it" and I'm thinking several things... 1. I do have 2 cards for them that I bought but 2. I didn't get the Visa gift cards yet! (I thought I had a week) and 3. how the heck am I going to pull this off?

With the urging of a few moms I leave my precious Lilly in their hands and run out the door. I run to the car and figure I'll just go the nearest bank and buy the gift cards then hit a CVS and get 2 new cards and then go back to the school all the while acting as if I ran home and the gifts were all neatly prepared and left by accident on my dining room table. And to think this is all taking place in a church. I did not forget to say a prayer of forgiveness!

I run to the bank, tell the old lady I need 2 $40 gift cards as fast as she can get them (which was NOT fast enough) and then I drive like a maniac to CVS and get the SAME 2 cards (I really really liked them and took the time to pick them out a few weeks back!) only to realize I left my wallet in the car. I ditch the cards, run to the car, run back into CVS, find the cards, pay for the cards, run back to the car, sign the cards and put them neatly under the gift boxes. Then I book it back to the church. This took me 37 minutes!

I find the kids/parents in the little gym as the kids are having indoor recess. I confess to the teacher that I had to run "home" for their gifts since I thought we had school next week. She was sweet and hugged me and said, "You shouldn't have done that" and the other moms were smiling (thinking to themselves 'what a screw up' I know it) and then I grab Lilly and give her a big hug.

About this time I'm feeling like the biggest failure on earth. I was a teacher for God's sake! I was organized and good at my job and now I can't even handle the responsibility of buying 2 gifts and bringing them to Lilly's school??? I'm on the verge of tears as it is rehashing how stupid I've been when I find out that 1. Lilly "didn't even miss you" and 2. they went to the fireplace in the foyer of the church and sat around the fire and sang Christmas carols. So now I start crying and have to move away from the moms so they don't notice. I missed the best part of the day and Lilly didn't have her mommy with her for such a wonderful occassion.

I pull myself together, thank the moms that took Lilly with them and let her sit between them, and try to move on with the day. It's not going to be easy for me to get past this but I have to and a lesson was learned. I have to be organized in my mommy role.

I also vow not to sign up as room mother again.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

We Can't Get Enough!

Ok, we just can't get enough of Santa! Lilly L-O-V-E-S Santa Claus! Tonight we had dinner with Santa at The Pop Shop in Collingswood, NJ. We met Braden and his mommy Amanda there for dinner. Again, Lilly was the very first child to sit on his lap. The Santa's are getting more and more pitiful looking but hey, Lilly doesn't care! She went right up and sat with him then went back 2 more times. The third time he said, "Hi Lilly, how are you?" and she said, "HO-HO-HO". It was so cute.

Lilly had an english muffin pizza and french fries. She also got a pink balloon and a candy cane. She loves candy canes. It was my bribery tool for her to stay in the high chair. It only worked for a short while. Then she got out (yes she can climb out of the high chair on her own no problem... if there's a will there's a way) and ran circles around the restaurant. At least everyone was smiling since she would say, "Hi, Bye" as she went past each table. I didn't want to go after her because I knew it would turn into a chasing game and an even bigger scene so I just had Amanda catch her as she made her way around. It wasn't too obnoxious -- it stayed on the cute side.

Lilly's not going to know what to do after this Christmas season!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas Fun

We had a very Christmas-y Saturday! Lilly had breakfast with Santa, then we picked out our Christmas tree, and then we decorated it! In between there was wrapping of presents and Christmas music. We had a great time. Lilly is older so she had more fun and is more aware than last year. She has sat on Santa's lap 3 times! Once at the mall, once at Target, and once at the Santa Breakfast. She LOVES Santa! She was actually the first one on his lap at the breakfast. We captured our day in pictures. Ho Ho Ho!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Let it Snow!

We got a couple inches of snow! Just enough to bundle up and go play at the park. Of course Lilly wanted to swing so she did. It was FREEZING! I don't think she has my genes when it comes to body temperature (thank goodness). She doesn't get cold very easily (thank you Andy). We went to the lake and looked for the ducks - - - "Where'd it go?" she wanted to know! I explained that they fly south for the winter but don't think she understood!!

Still enjoying every minute at home with Lilly. She's so much fun. She could even skip her nap and I'd be okay! She's like my little buddy. So cute and fun.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Crazy Girl

Lilly loves to take a risk and she's very physical. We love to watch her do all of her "tricks" though I get very nervous at times. Lilly is such a great baby. She's so happy all the time and is so much fun to be around. I really cherish my time at home with her. Her current phrases are "Where'd it go?", "Help me please", and "Got me!" Life really is great!!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

First Hot Chocolate

Lilly had her very first hot chocolate yesterday! She was hesitant to try it but after Mommy showed her how yummy it was she drank some and then wouldn't even share! It was so cold outside and Lilly insisted on going to swing at the park. So Andy and I walked her over to the park on a 32 degree day with the wind blowing. She got right in the swing and swung and swung until Andy and I couldn't take it anymore!!! She must have her daddy's blood because I'm always freezing cold. She was fine! But when we got home I made her hot chocolate and she loved it. The start to many more hot chocolate memories!