Thursday, September 30, 2010

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Lately I've been encouraging the girls to be a team.
While they can really do some damage together, it's much better than the constant fighting (Lilly torturing Ella).

It's really nice to watch them play and giggle and have fun; together.

Yesterday we enjoyed some girl time outside.

There was even some sharing going on.
There must have been a full moon.

Dance party!

Ella adores Lilly.
When Lilly is nice to her it makes Ella very very happy.

Lilly even shared her beloved scooter. Ella was thrilled!
We tried to teach her how to ride it.
She is not physically as capable as her sister. To say the least.

But she did well and she was so proud!

We had so much fun outside together letting the boys sleep in peace inside.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gabe's Smile

This kid melts my heart.

I have spent some serious time worrying about him in his two months of life. More on that another time. But it's moments like this that make all my worries fade away...
I love all our kids to the moon and back. Heck, I love them more than that if it's possible. They're each so different.

There's just something about the first grins from a newborn baby. The connection. Letting you know that they know you. Luke is much more generous with his adorable smiles. His whole face lights up. Gabe shows more discretion.
Yesterday, I captured this grin and it made my whole day.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Lilly loves her baby brothers. She's loved them since the day they arrived. She is so sweet and loving to babies and it is very endearing to watch. Recently she asked me if she could read to the boys in my bed.

I always remind her that she loved Ella the same way when she was a peanut...

Monday, September 27, 2010


I feel like I can finally say the girls have adjusted to their brothers and we are on our way to one big happy family!

Lilly really had the hardest time and lately I have sensed she's more herself. She has always loved the boys. She's very helpful. She always asks to hold, feed, and burp her brothers. Feeding and burping Luke...

Ella also likes to hold and burp.
She often sits next to me while I feed the boys and 'feeds' and burps her baby dolls (she likes to carry 2 baby dolls at all times; rarely just 1).
Checking out baby Gabe.

Everyone always says, "Two boys and two girls!?" and I always respond that it's the perfect balance. It really is.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Lilly found a "ca-coon" (she says it like she's starting to say "cat") on our siding early last week. It is so beautiful; a pearlized green with gold accents.
We got on the computer and researched what type of cocoon it is and found it is a Monarch butterfly cocoon.

Today, while playing outside, Lilly found the butterfly had emerged. She was very excited! We had read all about the process and how the butterfly would have to sit very still and dry out before flying free.

The thick veins and lack of scent patches on the lower wings tells us this is a female Monarch.
Nature is so cool.
I love watching the girls experience it through their innocent eyes.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Last week Lilly started gymnastics at The Gymnastics and Cheerleading Academy. It is the same place Andy took gymnastics when he was in high school. She really enjoyed it. I like the fact that we get to watch from above the entire gym looking down through glass windows. It was really relaxing and there's a great view.
*We went as a family (of 6) so the pictures were rushed and through glass so they are not the best.

Today was Lilly's second class and Andy, Ella, and Babcia went to watch. I stayed home with the boys since we had just returned from their ultrasound appointments where everything checked out as "normal"!

2 Months!

I can't believe the boys are 2 months old today!
Gabriel (I couldn't decide which picture of him...)
There is something very sweet about this picture.

Today I have an appointment for the boys at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (the best in the country!). We're so lucky to have such amazing doctors so close. The boys will receive an ultrasound of their hips since they were breech in utero. I am told this is common practice. Gabe will also have an ultrasound of his head to make sure it is a-ok.

I'll blog about the results when we get them.

Happy 2 months boys. We love you sooooo much.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Fevers are scary.

Yesterday, one of our wonderful pediatricians, Dr. K., followed Luke's fever very closely. He called me every two hours as promised. At 5 p.m. the fever was again climbing so he sent us to the emergency room.

When the nurse checked us in he took Luke's temperature. It was 102.2. He said, "You just earned yourself a quick trip back to the front of the line" then whisked Luke back to the pediatric ER. My poor baby.

The doctor came in an explained that because Luke is not yet vaccinated (first round is due tomorrow), fevers are very serious. Then she explained they would need to catheterize him and draw blood.

He was a very patient patient.

Luke took the cath like a champ. I had to turn my head. I can watch a lot of things but something about the penis and a catheter made me weak in the knees...

The blood draw took over 2 hours. Straight. It took 8 attempts before they could get the blood they needed. Needless to say, I have several pulled muscles in my back as I sit here and type. He was such a good boy. They attempted blood draws at every "good vein" but the vein either blew or gave trickles of blood. They were able to get an IV in his ankle but could not get blood from it (could deliver meds into it). Finally, after 2 very very long hours and lots of sugar water on the binky, they got the blood they needed.

Baby boy promptly passed out.
Late in the evening the preliminary results showed no signs of concern and we were able to go home. There are a few cultures we're waiting on but I think he's just fighting a cold virus.

I came home and put Gabe down only to hear him wake up 20 minutes later with the exact same cold...

It was a fun all-nighter with Gabe last night. A lot different than the all-nighters I pulled in college.

Say a prayer that I survive this day with two sick newborns, no sleep, pulled muscles, and my big girls.

**Oh, gotta love the prayer the nurse said on the final blood draw attempt: "Hail Mary Full of Grace put this needle in it's place." It worked.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tummy Time

Here is Gabriel during tummy time.
Luke during tummy time.
Sweet boys.
Luke is very strong at almost 12 pounds.
He is currently sick with a fever which is not good in a baby his age. We are hoping it is a cold and that he'll feel better soon. The doctors are being very diligent in his care.

Gabe is loosey goosey and not nearly as strong at this age but they are individuals and he's working each day on his neck strength. This week they have their 2 month check-up so I'll know Gabe's weight then.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Crying Babies

This has been a long week. Andy's had Back To School Night for three nights and night times require 2+ people (we have help from a good friend every night from 8-10 p.m.). Andy has been very good about stopping home between work and the evening events. Our friends that come over each night have also had plans. Needless to say, there have been some very hairy hours.

Last night both babies were screaming for over an hour. I decided I'd try to tackle a walk to soothe the babies.
It was a good idea in theory.

I put Gabe in the Ergo carrier, Luke in the stroller, Ella in the stroller, and Lilly rode her scooter.

Luke cried the entire way.
Gabe cried the entire way.
Lilly fell and cried the entire way.
Ella was happy.

To tease Andy, our good friend took a picture of me and threw in his dog to show Andy just how easy I had it... so easy I decided to walk their dog!
Tonight is Andy's last late night.
Lilly has her first gymnastics class and I will attempt to photograph it!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's All About the Boots

I love fall.

I love fall clothes.

Today it was cool enough to break out a new fall outfit for Lilly to wear to school. I'm so glad she got as excited about her new boots as I did when I came across them.
There's something about this outfit that I love. How excited was I when I found the exact outfit in Ella's closet!? Thank goodness I bought a few things before the boys were born.
Lilly is loving school. Today when she came inside from recess she skipped to her seat (I was waiting in the pick-up line). After all, her class is called "Skippers" and she firmly believes she's in that class because she knows how to skip.

Her teacher, Mrs. Schimpf, made her go back to the door and walk to her seat the "normal" way.

When she dismissed Lilly, Mrs. Schimpf smiled and said (to me), "We're still learning the rules."

At first my head went directly to "oh-my-gosh-the-teacher-spoke-to-me-on-the-third-day-of-school" but then after thinking it over I am pretty sure she simply said something because she knew I was watching and felt she owed me some sort of explanation.

When we got into the car I said to Lilly, "Did you have a good day?"
Lilly: "Yep."
Me: "Did you behave?"
Lilly: "Sort of yes I guess."
Me: "Did your teacher have to talk to you?"
Lilly: "Maybe."
I love this kid. Even if she makes me grey and even though she makes me lose precious sleep worrying about what she'll say and do next and if she'll be successful in life.
Our girls are amazing. They keep me happy and smiling (and sometimes yelling) and I really don't know what I'd do without them.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010