Thursday, September 16, 2010

Crying Babies

This has been a long week. Andy's had Back To School Night for three nights and night times require 2+ people (we have help from a good friend every night from 8-10 p.m.). Andy has been very good about stopping home between work and the evening events. Our friends that come over each night have also had plans. Needless to say, there have been some very hairy hours.

Last night both babies were screaming for over an hour. I decided I'd try to tackle a walk to soothe the babies.
It was a good idea in theory.

I put Gabe in the Ergo carrier, Luke in the stroller, Ella in the stroller, and Lilly rode her scooter.

Luke cried the entire way.
Gabe cried the entire way.
Lilly fell and cried the entire way.
Ella was happy.

To tease Andy, our good friend took a picture of me and threw in his dog to show Andy just how easy I had it... so easy I decided to walk their dog!
Tonight is Andy's last late night.
Lilly has her first gymnastics class and I will attempt to photograph it!


Anonymous said...

I still cannot believe you have 4 go girl! You look fantastic! Hang in there! Love, Kay

Anonymous said...

I still cannot believe you have 4 go girl! You look fantastic! Hang in there! Love, Kay