Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Believe I Can Fly

Lilly asked me if she can learn to fly for her birthday.


She thought she'd practice with the Christmas tree skirt.

She's creative; I'll give her that.
The last few days she's been walking around with a 'broken' leg.
She put a paper cast on and uses part of a baby mat as her crutches.

There's never a dull moment.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

6 Months!

I am just getting around to writing the boys' 6 month blog post! Life...

I cannot believe the boys have been here for half of a year. That is unreal to me! It was definitely a blur as all twin moms told me it would be. Suddenly, they're little people who are almost mobile. Wow!

We have their 6 month appointment on Friday so I'll fill you in then on their height and weight growth. I'm eager to find out if they're catching up on the charts (they were always on the light side).

Big boys:

Luke is a mini Lilly. He is eager to move, very physical and advanced in his gross motor abilities, is almost crawling and has just started to sit up on his own. Luke loves to maneuver and play with toys, loves to make sounds, blow raspberries, and smile. He is a hungry boy and eats baby food and drinks from a bottle which he can now hold by himself. Luke is a temperamental sleeper and likes to sleep in a moving swing. When he's in his crib he spends a lot of time rolling around until he fusses for some loving. Luke loves to be held and cuddled and prefers to fall asleep in this way. Luke is always looking around trying to get in on the action. He reminds me so much of Lilly that I'm often taken back to memories of her as a baby. Luke is a go-getter and is very determined.
Gabe is a mini Ella. He is super laid back, always content, smiley, and the world's greatest sleeper. He doesn't cry for food. He doesn't cry when he's tired. He has been known to sleep 15 hours straight and wake up smiling and happy. He likes to coo in loud squeals. He loves to nurse and isn't very keen on baby food. Gabe loves looking at his brother and is always taking in everything around him. He's an observer even taking time to explore each finger one at a time. Gabe knows how to roll over in both directions and he can sit (slumped over) for a few seconds at a time. He is working with his PT Bonnie on pushing up on his arms (way up high) and increasing his core strength. He is doing very well in therapy and is hitting his milestones on time (his brother is very advanced so Mommy is trying hard not to compare and freak out).
Gabe recently slept for 21 hours only waking twice to eat. I of course panicked and took him to the pediatrician only to assume with the doctor that he's in the midst of a growth spurt. The red flannel picture above was taken when he finally woke up and he would not smile for me (he was dazed). I want you to know that he can smile and has a beautiful smile...

The boys have enriched our lives so much. People ask me all the time, "How do you do it?" and I don't really have an answer. It is crazy and sometimes it's stressful but usually it's lovely. When I'm the most stressed I just hold one of the boys or watch them lie together and hold hands and all the stress just fades away.

Happy Half Birthday boys!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


To me, this is a beautiful sight.
Can you guess what it is?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This past weekend we had some celebrating to do!
Saturday was Babcia's 71st birthday. We enjoyed a dinner together and then some cake. I love how Gabe's looking at Lilly in this picture...

Sunday we celebrated Andy's 43rd birthday with his brother, Bill, his girlfriend Christine, and our niece Brooke.
We had panzarottis and Andy's very favorite cannoli cake.

Monday was Andy's actual birthday (yowza!!). He was technically off work for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day but decided his gift to himself was to work all day (at the office) on his dissertation. The girls were so excited for him to come home and open his presents. We decided they would hide behind a large gift and jump up to surprise him when he arrived. They hung out and waited quite a while...

By the time Andy came home Ella was over the whole surprise thing.
Daddy likes his (our!) new fire pit. I've been pushing for one for quite some time.
We ended our day of celebration by sharing a great meal and yummy cake with good friends. While this is not the most exciting photo, I love how Andy and Luke are looking the exact same way. Ha.
Happy Birthday Daddy!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Baby Boys' Update

The boys are now 5.5 months old. Unbelievable.

They've been fighting off a shared cold for quite some time now. Gabe is on round two. It's not fun but it is what it is. After all, they have a sister in preschool and a dad who works in a school and a million other ways they're exposed to germs. They'll survive but we're tired as we help them fight the battle.

The boys are close to mobile. Luke is somewhat mobile. He can roll both ways and can scoot around well. Gabe can roll both ways but is just starting to roll from back to belly and is not yet pushing all the way up with his arms like his brother. Soon. Soon they will both be on the move. We only have a month or so left in this stationary world. I'm scared.
Luke is the smiliest blue-eyed baby boy.
You'll see what I mean a few pictures down.
Gabe is a looker. He can look into your soul. I swear.
I can't even stand it. This smile. The cheeks. To die for.
Luke is also the sturdiest baby boy. He is wide and strong.
I cannot resist his belly in this picture.
Gabe's smile lights up a room. This is only a half-smile.
Imagine the damage from a full-on ear to ear grin.

Both boys are drinking in the world around them. They love to explore and play.

I can't wait to see what's around the next bend.

Monday, January 10, 2011


The boys have been sharing a cold back and forth.
It's exhausting for them and exhausting for us.

Gabe had RSV and was well for 2 days before Luke started with the worst runny nose (read: unable to breathe at all) and croupy cough. Within 48 hours of Luke being sick, Gabe came down with it again. I try to wash my hands all day long (I have proof! They're dry and burn.) but it seems it's not enough. Poor baby boys.

I haven't had time to take any pictures but this one was taken last week when Luke was well.

I can't wait until everyone feels better. For now, we will embrace the extra snuggles.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Outside Art

Babcia gave the girls snow paint for Christmas. It is awesome.
Andy didn't love it for fear of it staining the deck but I'm fairly certain it will wash off.

It was a great activity to get the girls outside for some fresh air and independent play while I hung inside with the boys. Not to mention it was really pretty!
Plus, you can paint in your pjs!

Ella spent the most time painting the snow since she never gets cold...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Snow Day

Our recent Christmas snowstorm came at a great time. We'd been inside for a few days enjoying Christmas festivities and it was a great excuse to get outside and play!

Heading to the pond to ice skate.

Ella had a chance to really experience the snow for the first time that she can remember. She wasn't so sure about the depth but did enjoy playing in areas where she could stand easily. She never gets cold either!!

Snow days are fun. Daddy gets to stay home and play and we can sip hot chocolate by the fire and enjoy watching the snow fall from the sky. I wish I liked being outside in snow more than I do but have vowed to work on that! For now, it is a lot of work and wet clothing. The crying kids stuffed into the clothing adds to the frustration but it is fun once we're out and about frolicking in the snow. Wondering what this winter has in store...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Live on the edge this year...