Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Baby Boys' Update

The boys are now 5.5 months old. Unbelievable.

They've been fighting off a shared cold for quite some time now. Gabe is on round two. It's not fun but it is what it is. After all, they have a sister in preschool and a dad who works in a school and a million other ways they're exposed to germs. They'll survive but we're tired as we help them fight the battle.

The boys are close to mobile. Luke is somewhat mobile. He can roll both ways and can scoot around well. Gabe can roll both ways but is just starting to roll from back to belly and is not yet pushing all the way up with his arms like his brother. Soon. Soon they will both be on the move. We only have a month or so left in this stationary world. I'm scared.
Luke is the smiliest blue-eyed baby boy.
You'll see what I mean a few pictures down.
Gabe is a looker. He can look into your soul. I swear.
I can't even stand it. This smile. The cheeks. To die for.
Luke is also the sturdiest baby boy. He is wide and strong.
I cannot resist his belly in this picture.
Gabe's smile lights up a room. This is only a half-smile.
Imagine the damage from a full-on ear to ear grin.

Both boys are drinking in the world around them. They love to explore and play.

I can't wait to see what's around the next bend.

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