Wednesday, August 10, 2011

School Shopping

I was so excited to take Lilly school shopping for her very short list of supplies.  If my memory serves me correctly, my mom did not love shopping with us so I vowed to always be chipper and fun when shopping!  I actually find it enjoyable but I do understand that not everyone shares my excitement.

Yay!  Kindergarten!!
Ella thinks she's going to Kindergarten too.  Here she was saying, "Mom?  I get my bolder too?" (*folder)
Woo hoo!  Family outing!
I can't believe we have a child entering elementary school.  
Sniff, sniff.
We survived the Target run.  Andy loves family outings.  Hee hee.
It took everything out of me to allow Lilly to pick her own folders and composition notebooks.  I was envisioning nice coordinating primary or pastel colors with her name written carefully in black Sharpie.  Andy told me to let it go.  Here's one of her folders...
Since Lilly has been dressing herself and creating her own very unique outfits for a good year now, I have given up on buying anything I think matches and forget cutesie.  When we go out I let her pick one or two items that she loves so I know she'll wear them regardless of whether or not they coordinate. 

She picked this top and these sparkly leggings.  Ack!!

She also picked a very tacky Hello Kitty skirt.  She seriously loved it and that means we'll definitely get our money's worth (though she paid for the clothes with her own Target gift card).  When we got home I had her try on all the clothes (love to do this but Andy and Lilly dislike my love of this ritual).  She loved them and sang a song about them...
The skirt... Help me Lord.  The skirt has a big Hello Kitty metal face.
Very into her song...
Singing from the rooftop.  Literally.
I assure you she will put the outfit together as you see it here.  The turquoise top is a tunic and does not belong under a tacky skirt.  Deep breaths...

I think Lilly will do awesome in Kindergarten.  She is so excited and I can't wait to watch her fall in love with learning. 

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