Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mister Softee

We survived hurricane Irene without incident though I'm pretty sure it was one of the scarier weather related incidents I've experienced.  I was fine with the impending arrival of the hurricane but my heart was beating out of my chest as I watched the tornadoes popping up all around us while our children slept peacefully in four different bedrooms.  Andy ended up staying up all night since the hurricane was due to arrive around 4 a.m. and tornado warnings were all over the TV at 11 p.m.  In the end, we were very lucky and the storm was not significant in our immediate area.  Somehow, we also kept our power.  We lose power every time a minor storm or wind hits our neighborhood.  Last night was no different except there was no wind and rain.  The power just went out.  
To make things easier, the minute the power went out Mister Softee arrived right in front of our house...
 Can you guess who ordered this?

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