Monday, October 10, 2011

Lilly Lilly

Lilly loves school.  She's learning a lot as well. 

Last week we received a birthday invitation from our good friend Christine.  Her daughter Chessa's 3rd birthday party is the same day as a fundraiser for Lilly's school.  The fundraiser is a walk called the Hartewalk.  They are raising money for a school in Cameroon, Africa.  For some reason the walk is on a Sunday at the exact same time as our friend's birthday party an hour away.  I was telling Lilly about this dilemma and she got busy scribbling this message for her
"I'm not going to walk."

She was very proud of herself.  I tried to tell her that the walk is optional and that we would still donate money.  It was not necessary to let her teacher know, but she insisted.
 I am just thrilled Lilly loves to write and is starting to read.  I don't think we'll be going to the Hartewalk as our friend's party is very important and we don't want to miss it.

Great writing Lilly!

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