Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Oldest

I told Lilly tonight while shopping as a family in BJ's that our family would be boring without her.  I meant it.  Our youngest three are fairly mild mannered and on the quiet side.  They sit nicely in shopping carts, listen pretty well, are content and happy most of the time, and are pretty darn quiet. 

Lilly is loud.  She's funny.  Lilly is wild.  She is impulsive.  Lilly is entertaining.  She is adorable.  Lilly is not easy to parent but I will tell you; life is never ever dull with her around.

A few weeks ago a Five Senses booklet came home from school.  Lilly had illustrated a beautiful cover and in the first few pages she told of hearing her dog bark and smelling her mom cook.  Then, I turned the page and read...

 Jesus Christ.
"Lilly!!  You can taste butt?!?!"
"Ohhhhhh, I thought that said touch, see?  I'm touching a butt!!"
"Do you realize how inappropriate that is?  Did your teacher read this book?  Oh my God, oh my God..."
"I don't know, hahahahaha, see the butt Mom?  See the butt?  Hahahahah."

When Andy got home I was waiting with the booklet.  He laughed.  The next day I'll admit I sat at the kitchen table and I laughed hysterically over it but really, it's so inappropriate!

Lilly loves to dance and sing.  She "writes" all her own music and lyrics.  She sings from the time she wakes up until she goes to bed at night.  She wants voice lessons and I'm actually considering it.

Lilly loves fashion.  She says she's a "fashionista" or a "fashion girl" or sometimes just, "I'm fashion Mom."  Just this morning after showering, blowing out my hair, and putting on make-up I said, "Lilly, how do I look?"  She took one look at my yoga pants and sweatshirt and said, "You look homeless."

I did not buy Lilly any back-to-school clothes this year.  She is still wearing mostly clothing from last year that she mix matches into different funky crazy outfits.  This is one of her favorites...

 Usually, Lilly seems much older than five.  Her vocabulary, phrasing, figures of speech, and wit are all much more advanced but every now and then I see the sweet little baby girl that first made me a mom.  She is deathly afraid of blood and goes pale as a ghost in an instant if she sees anything medical or bloody.  She fought losing her (2nd) tooth for a month.  The tooth was hanging by a string forever and she panicked over it. 
Ack!  The nails!  This girl can play hard.
 I kept trying to get her to pull it out or let me pull it out but she'd go into a complete panic; tears and all.
 I am so happy to report that just this morning the darn tooth finally fell out.  It is safely somewhere in our house in a ziploc bag that has been misplaced...

...this girl may have made my head full of grays and I may drink an extra coke or two a day to calm my nerves, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.  She made me a mom and she keeps me laughing.  We love our spunky girl so much.

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