Baby boy is getting big. Oliver is 4 months now and weighs over 50 lbs. He is the sweetest dog in the world which is why it killed me to watch him be viciously attacked by another dog at Pet Smart.
Look at my baby's Saint Bernard jowls!
During one of Oliver's puppy classes a few weeks ago he was attacked by an adult greyhound dog. She grabbed onto his back and shook him violently. Oliver was screaming and lost his bowels all over the floor. It was so scary. The trainer finally got the greyhound to release but she latched back onto his neck and again shook him violently for quite some time. His wails were killing me and I was pretty sure she was going to kill him. In the end, the trainer got them separated, there was poop and pee all over the floor and us from my baby boy, the trainer needed the ER, and Oliver needed a trip to the vet. They could only find the one bite on the back so they cleaned him up and put him on antibiotics.
He was lucky and has since healed. Thankfully he's no worse for the wear and is not afraid of Pet Smart or other dogs. I, however, am now much more nervous than I was when we're around other dogs!
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