Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Today in the pouring sideways rain, I lugged the kids to WalMart to look for rain boots and rain coats.  I never wanted to fork out the money for 2 pairs of rain boots and 2 rain coats but we're on day 3 of rain and the boys have been going through 3+ outfits a day and have soaked their only pairs of shoes.  Apparently boys don't mind getting soaked, standing in sideways rain, sitting in huge puddles with socks, shoes, and pants on, etc.  I was uninformed.

Unfortunately the boots are too big for Gabe and there were no rain coats but they got cool pirate umbrellas and Luke loves his monkey boots.  Gabe isn't sure about puddles anyway though with a little coaxing the other day Luke was able to convince him that running through puddles in his shoes would really be fun...
I'm sure now that I bought umbrellas the rain will stop and the sun will come out!

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