Friday, July 20, 2012


Every morning I load the kids up and take them to Lilly's swim practice.  Usually it's very hot and they play on the playground or on the basketball court at the swim club.  Yesterday we arrived to a big treat!  It was overcast and slightly cooler and there were construction vehicles galore!  We sat in the grass of the parking lot and watched while Lilly practiced.  Win/Win!

Luke loved the street sweeper.
The sweeper picked up all the pavement debris from the road that was being worked on and carried it down to the trash truck and unloaded.  The boys were clapping they were so excited! 
 Then came the pretty red Mack truck.  Gabe was very curious...
This truck also had a plan.  He pulled up against the curb so that...
...this here "digger" (as I like to call it) could scoop up big hunks of pavement and drop it in the Mack truck.  
Woo hoo, this is so much fun!!!
As the Mack truck pulled away the driver honked and waived and we saw this skull pirate that made Ella jump for joy.  
And we thought trash days were exciting!!! 

I am loving learning about all things trucks.  It's a nice change from Barbies and babies and the excitement on the boys' (and Ella's) faces cannot be beat.

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