Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I've decided to aim to do a weekly blog since life has picked up the pace over here.  I couldn't live without my iPhone since I take all photos and video with it now.

Lilly is in school full-time, Ella is in school 3 mornings a week, the boys are in school with me 1 morning a week, Lilly takes gymnastics once a week, hip hop once a week, and swimming once a week.  Ella decided to quit gymnastics (which allowed Lilly to return to her beloved dance school) and just deal with school for the time being.  Each morning that Ella doesn't have school we try to do something fun and free!

Last week we walked the mall.  Wow, I haven't been to the mall in years and we actually had a really fun morning!  The kids had never thrown coins in a fountain (are they deprived?) and enjoyed cleaning out my wallet.
 We took care of our friend's dog Presley.  Presley does not like other dogs but after a 45 minute walk alongside Oliver, he was feeling just fine.
When Ella and Lilly are in school the boys and I find different parks or visit the library.  This was a really cool playground on a beautiful morning.

 We've been thinking a lot about Halloween costumes...
 Ella's been doing well in preschool.  Today was the first day (besides the very first day) that she didn't cry, scream, rip my hair out, and rip my clothing off.  Woo hoo for progress!  I've been reading and rereading The Kissing Hand and kissing her palms as she enters the classroom.  Hopefully it paid off since she walked right in today.   At the end of their morning they play outside and I often see them coming in when I'm in the parking lot waiting to pick her up.  Which is a good thing since I assure her I wait in the parking lot every day while she's in class...
 How cute are they walking in with their little rope?  And they sing a song as they walk.
 When Ella gets home from school I put the boys down for a nap and we have some alone time.  She usually watches Daniel Tiger on PBS and then we do some drawing or crafty project.  We enjoy our alone time.  The other day she was looking through a Halloween Catalog while chilling on Oliver.  So sweet.
Life's going along swiftly and fairly smoothly.  I temporarily lost each of the boys once last week but it was on different days and in different locations so I consider that a success!!

Happy Fall!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Boys Go To School

We enrolled the boys in a parent-toddler class at the same preschool Ella goes to (Trinity).  I get to be in class with them which is really fun!  We drop Ella off in her classroom at 9 and then hang out until the boys' class starts at 9:45.  On their first day of school the boys found a classroom they loved!  I found out later it's the Discovery Room and all of the classes get to visit throughout the week. 
It's a very cool room.

 We then left to get a little treat and returned in time for their class.
First day of school pictures!!

 Heading to their classroom (blurry but all cell phone pictures).

 They love school!!  They are very good listeners and follow the directions.  I love watching them play and learn.
 They love to paint but Luke in particular loves it.  Gabe wouldn't put on the smock on the first day (but did today).

 Today they finger painted and will turn their painted paper into a tree trunk and leaves.  Luke dove right in...
 Gabe wasn't so sure about painting with his hands as he likes to stay clean but he eventually did it but moved to a brush after a few minutes.

I love Trinity Nursery School.  It is so nice to be at a preschool where the kids are loved and love learning.  The teachers are awesome and the director is as sweet as she can be.  Thankful I found them!  Next year the boys will already be in the 3's program 3 mornings a week and Ella will be in the 4's program 4 mornings a week.  I cannot believe it.  Time is flying.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Ella Bella has had a big girl week!  Yesterday Ella had her first (not full) day of preschool.  I was a nervous wreck!  Ella hadn't wanted to talk about school at all and anytime I mentioned it she would say quietly, "I'm not going to school."
The night before school she slept soundly while I watched over my baby girl who has grown up so quickly.
When Lilly asked her in the morning if she was excited about her first day of school Ella said, "No, I'm not going."

Yet she never protested as I got her dressed and ready.  I have learned to say less so we didn't discuss school at all other than the fact that I'd be right down the hall in a parent meeting the whole time.  She posed by our first day of school tree...

And she shyly smiled when we arrived. 
 As we were walking in she said to me, "Mommy I've been very scared.  Now I'm a little scared."

This kid breaks my heart.  Such a sweet soul.  She went into her classroom easily and started playing with playdoh.
 She liked the kitchen and baby dolls too.

 Puzzles were a hit as well.
When it was time for me to leave I kissed her and told her I'd be back soon.  She grabbed me and said, "NO" with a panicked look on her face.  Right then one of her teachers swooped in and said, "Ella, did you see all the baby dolls?!" and moved her aside.  Ella looked at me and said quietly, "Ok" and I knew I was safe to go.

We had a parent meeting and when I returned to her classroom she was so happy to see me and told me she "loved" school.  What a relief!  She told me all about the Clifford book they read and all the activities she did.  Tomorrow is her first real day as she'll stay the entire 2.5 hours.  I'm confident she'll do well and continue to love it.

Today was Ella's first day of gymnastics.  Again, I wasn't sure she'd separate from me but she did and she loved it as well!  I'm so proud of our baby girl.

 Ella is such a little rule-follower which is really nice after our spunky rule-challenger (whom we also adore but it's more of a challenge to watch!).  She also got in line last for every activity which cracked me up.  And she waved to us the whole time as we waited behind glass upstairs.  Luke stood on a chair and watched her the whole time and Ella waved shouting, "Hi Lukey!!!!" over and over.  They are best buds.

When she finished she was so excited shouting, "I did it Mommy, I did it! I'm so proud I did it!"  It's bittersweet for me.  She's always been my reserved and quiet little girl and now she's spreading her wings.  I'm so happy for her but sad for me at the same time!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our 1st Grader

Lilly has been in 1st grade for 57 minutes and it's very quiet around here.  Our big girl started her first year of full day school today.
 She's so grown up she picked out her outfit, did her own hair, brushed her own teeth, and picked her own photo poses and locations.  Sniff sniff.
 I decided we'd walk Lilly on her first day.  Holy hotness!!  We made the mile trek uphill (for real) and enjoyed the downhill walk home after we said our goodbyes.
 Lilly was very quiet in line and a bit unsure since she didn't see any of her friends in her class.  There are 14 boys and 7 girls in her class.  Glad Lilly plays so nicely with boys!!
 Lilly's best little friend Lindsay is not in her class but they enjoyed the walk to school together and will get to play at recess.
 My baby girl is becoming a big girl.  When her teacher, Mrs. Cerullo, saw her she gave her a big hug and said, "Hello princess!!!"  It's nice to know the teachers from my years teaching at Bret Harte and nice that they all show Lilly such love.
Today is a half day so we'll make the trek back up to get her at 1:00.   Can't wait to hear all about her day!