Friday, September 21, 2012

Boys Go To School

We enrolled the boys in a parent-toddler class at the same preschool Ella goes to (Trinity).  I get to be in class with them which is really fun!  We drop Ella off in her classroom at 9 and then hang out until the boys' class starts at 9:45.  On their first day of school the boys found a classroom they loved!  I found out later it's the Discovery Room and all of the classes get to visit throughout the week. 
It's a very cool room.

 We then left to get a little treat and returned in time for their class.
First day of school pictures!!

 Heading to their classroom (blurry but all cell phone pictures).

 They love school!!  They are very good listeners and follow the directions.  I love watching them play and learn.
 They love to paint but Luke in particular loves it.  Gabe wouldn't put on the smock on the first day (but did today).

 Today they finger painted and will turn their painted paper into a tree trunk and leaves.  Luke dove right in...
 Gabe wasn't so sure about painting with his hands as he likes to stay clean but he eventually did it but moved to a brush after a few minutes.

I love Trinity Nursery School.  It is so nice to be at a preschool where the kids are loved and love learning.  The teachers are awesome and the director is as sweet as she can be.  Thankful I found them!  Next year the boys will already be in the 3's program 3 mornings a week and Ella will be in the 4's program 4 mornings a week.  I cannot believe it.  Time is flying.

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