Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I've been walking on the treadmill in the mornings and the kids play in the basement near me. Today, the boys completely destroyed the place in 22 minutes. 

Gabe came down and said, "Apple juice all over Mommy!"  There was a gallon of orange juice covering every inch of the kitchen. 
Before going upstairs to see the orange juice, I had to walk through this...
The boys dumped out every piece to every toy that we own. It was ridiculous. I had to bathe them because their clothes and shoes were soaked in orange juice. 
I then sat them down to tell then they'd been naughty. They started looking at one another and laughing hysterically. I was so irritated!!

I cleaned it all up and changed their clothes and left to pick up Ella from preschool. A very nonproductive morning but they eventually gave me lots of hugs and kisses and said, "I so sowwy Mommy." They were quickly forgiven! 



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