Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Day of 2nd Grade!!

Yesterday was Lilly's first day of 2nd grade!  I can't believe she's in the grade I taught and in the same school; same hallway!  It blows my mind that I taught in that school with her in my belly and now she's a student right next to my old room. 

She wanted me to take a picture from each angle.  I bought her new tennis shoes the night before at 9:30 p.m. at Target since that's when I realized her foot grew a half size since June.
She picked out her new backpack at Justice.  It's full of sparkles and glam.

So exciting!!
 Posing with her other half...

On the first day we get to walk them to an outside line-up and wait until they go inside.  Lilly was totally fine and didn't need me there (sniff sniff) but I waited on the sidelines with the littles.  They were troopers because it was hot, crowded, and a long wait.

 "Hi Lilly!!!!  We love you!!!"
 I waited until she walked into class with her friends and new teacher Miss Vurgason.  Watch the video to see how she could hardly contain her excitement over me filming the occasion...

Yesterday was a half day so we picked Lilly up at 1:00.  The littles were eager to see her.  It was lonely at home without her.
 Here they come!
Hot but happy.

Today Lilly is in school a full day.  We ran errands, got hair cuts, and stopped to play at the preschool playground.  I thought this might help Gabe get in the spirit of preschool since they start next week!  The boys will be in school Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9-11:30 a.m. and Ella will be in school Monday through Thursday from the same time.  Gabe is announcing he's not going.  I'm sure he'll be fine once he sees the toys.

Princess Ella leads the way to the playground at Trinity.

Luke is looking so grown up to me these days.  I can't believe my baby is old enough for preschool.
I'm enjoying the structure and routine that comes with school though I miss the lazy days of summer and having Lilly at home.  She's become such a little helper and I'm really feeling it without her!!

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