Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Kids are getting older and busier, I've become more involved in volunteering, the snow won't stop falling, blogging has become non-existent, yet I long to slow down and remember all of the small moments that happen each and every day.

This has been one snowy winter.  So many snow days and delayed openings.
 Ella is a big girl and learning to read and write.
 Because life isn't crazy enough we added Charlie and he's growing rapidly...
 The boys were invited to their very first real birthday party.
 Charlie likes to eat Oliver's food.
 Valentine's Day came and went.
 More snow.
 Coming home from a long school day and being welcomed by your best friend feels great.

 Weight was lost.
 Picking dresses for a funeral (Jackie's dad).
 Glasses and patching daily.
 Fun hairdos.
 Going to friend's talent show.
Life is flying by.  I don't want to miss a minute.  I can't wait for spring and warmer weather and less TV and more time to connect with nature and the blog.

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