Friday, October 9, 2009

Faces of Ella

Lilly has always been a struggle to photograph. It's a shame because I know I could get some gorgeous pictures of her if she'd allow me to. Ella is sweet. But Ella sees the camera and she gets goofy on me! Here's one of the best I've gotten and it isn't great! She was mid-crawl to get the camera.
This is what she usually does to me. It's her own unique face. The Ella face. Or the 'turtle face' according to my friend Kristen who love, love, loves this face.
Profile shot of the nose scrunch. She's usually excited when she makes the scrunch. I love this kid.
This is Ella's 'I'm watchin' my back' face. I wonder who she's worried about?
I adore her cheeks. Ella has a great personality just like her sister. They're very different but they both crack me up and make me smile.

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