Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lilly's Art

It's been hectic around here. Ella's been sick. I took her to the doctor on Tuesday and they diagnosed her with Croup. They prescribed a steroid and off we went. By Thursday she was worse. She was having horrible coughing fits that were making me nervous. I went back to the pediatrician (saw a different doctor) who informed me she looked "great". Hmmm, well, I disagreed but quietly left. On Friday she was really suffering but rather than look like a psychotic mother I waited to take her back until today. The Croup is now in her lungs and she has another ear infection (#9). She's now on 5 nebulizers a day and another antibiotic (she finished one less than a week ago for ear infection #8). In the meantime I was struck by the nasty vomit virus that's all over the place for the second time. Oh joy. That was fun. And yes, Ella will likely be getting tubes in her ears after our February 10 meeting with an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. Poor baby.

We're looking forward to some healthy days ahead and hopefully I'll be losing this morning (all day) sickness soon as it's getting very very old. Very.

One day while I was piddling around in the kitchen Lilly said, "Mommy, look, I drew a bunny." I was very surprised when I turned around and saw that indeed, she did draw a bunny! A very good bunny!

She was working on the eyes and the smile and got upset that the eyes didn't "look right" so she turned them into eyebrows which I thought was very clever. But they didn't satisfy her either so she started coloring the whole bunny in. I quickly got the pictures before bunny was completely filled in. I was impressed!

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