Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This is Marc.
As my friend Jackie likes to put it, he is my "baby boy." I am Marc's legal guardian. Don't ask. It's been a long road and I still have many many miles to travel but for now, things are looking up. Today, Marc came home. He is back in Cherry Hill at an assisted living facility for Alzheimer's patients that I picked for him with the help of an amazing legal team. This day is a day for celebration because Marc can get his life back.
Marc's been living an hour away in the shittiest nursing home on the planet. I do plan to tell them what I think but that will come in time. This is Marc's new digs. His own private room with a window and his own bathroom. Marc has been lying in a bed in one half of a tiny room with a roommate and has only been outdoors once in 10 weeks. He has become frail. He was not taken care of. He was on the 2nd floor and only able to walk up and down a small hallway. Now, he can go wherever he wants on the secure property and can go outside day or night.
Marc's not sure about his new home and is very very disoriented and confused. It is heart-breaking but I know in time, he will flourish and thrive. I moved him into his new room (college anyone?) while he cursed me in Romanian. But it's all good. I can handle it. Plus, I had Lilly to protect me.
I can only hope and pray that Marc finds peacefulness sometime soon and that Lilly has learned compassion and empathy through our journey with Marc. She's really amazing with him and with all of the elderly people that we have been around. I'm so proud of her.

Welcome home Marc.

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