Sunday, November 21, 2010

Baby Boys' Baptism

Today our boys were baptized.
They were the most handsome little boys I've ever seen (if I must say so myself).
Hi my handsome baby boys!
The closest we could get to smiles...
Yay! Look at Mommy!
Bonnet picture. My little Amish boys. Hee hee.
Pastor George baptized the boys and the boys did a wonderful job.
The girls were also amazing. They stood by watching their brothers receive the grace that will work in their lives before they are aware of it, bringing them to faith. Baptism is so beautiful. It always makes me choke up.
Two babies equals double the choking up.

Once again, Kat made a beautiful *and delicious* cake.

You have come into the world so tiny,
Yet with such great promise for the future.
Before you were even born,
God planned wonderful things for you.
As you are baptized,
May you feel His love
And the love of those around you,
And may you always follow in His way.

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