Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Since the boys were born I have failed miserably at making dinner. I was never the greatest but for the last three months we have done more takeout and quick meals out than I'd like to admit. Tonight, once again, we had no plans for dinner.
I decided on a whim at 6 p.m. to make the girls rainbow pancakes!

Lilly was a huge helper adding all the ingredients and mixing. Then we added the food gel and voila!

It was a big hit.
Ella giving me thumbs up. Ha.
Between the two of them they ate 6.5 pancakes.
Amazing what some color can do to spruce up a meal!

I did warn Lilly that her poop will be colorful and I fear what she'll tell her class/teachers in school tomorrow. I reminded her that pooping is private but ...

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