Thursday, March 31, 2011


As you can tell from the multitude of indoor playing posts, the kids and I have been spending a lot of time inside lately. It's been chilly but mostly, we have two infants and it's tough to get out. I am so relieved the girls are getting along and enjoying themselves. Their display of love and affection ebbs and flows and this week it's flowing nicely. Thank you God.

Lilly loves to set up "salons." On this particular day, Lilly summoned Ella to the hair salon. Ella was very patient and sat nicely while Lilly fixed her hair. I was a customer as well and even got massaged during my visit! *I had Ella on my lap when I went to Lilly's salon and she said, "Ma'am, can you call your husband to come pick her up?"
Luke, the understudy.
Watching the kids use their imaginations makes me so happy. I love to quietly listen in on their conversations during these role plays. I can't wait to see how the boys will fit into the mix. For now, they'll continue to hang out in headbands...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bike Riding!

Yesterday Lilly asked me to take off her training wheels. I took them off and gave her one push on a two-wheeler and she rode it on her own! I'd love to take credit for teaching her but she really did it all by herself.

Today we practiced again and she's figuring out how to get it started on her own.

Bike rides have just become a lot more fun!! Yay Lilly!


Lilly smiles.

After five years, she looks at my camera, and smiles.

I am so happy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011



Watching our brood play together, laugh together, and love one another.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I've said this many times and I will continue to count my lucky stars that our boys are so amazing. They are easy. They are pleasant. They are sweet. They are happy. They are healthy. They love to play with toys and only fuss when they need to be changed or fed. These pictures sum up our usual days together...

Luke would not look up at me while I was taking these pictures but Gabe was flirting with me the whole time.

Ella loves to play with toys. She entertains herself for hours using her imagination with Barbies, cars, babies ... you name it. It's really awesome for me to watch since Lilly, while independent, has never enjoyed sitting down and playing with toys.
Lilly loves to be physical!

Ella just sits amongst the mess and plays.

Our kids are so good. While the days can drag on at times, I try so hard to remember that these days will be gone all too soon and I will long for them in the future.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Spring is here!

Last week Lilly was sick and in bed for several days. We couldn't stray far from the house while she slept but the weather was so beautiful that we spent a lot of time on the deck during the day.

Luke was so interested in the sticks and leaves. He spent a good hour playing in the leaves and eating them. He also crawled to every single speck of dirt and put it in his mouth. He was so happy.
Gabe was thrilled too! They loved the fresh air. Gabe spent most of his time playing with toys and smiling at me and my camera.
I am so happy I captured this look. Gabe gives me this look all the time. It melts my heart. He cuts his eyes up at me and grins.

**pitter patter**

Luke was so involved in his leaf pile that he would not look up at me! I was calling for him and making crazy noises and sounds but the leaves won out. He is the smiliest baby just like his brother. We are so lucky to have two happy baby boys!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I didn't think Luke looked much like Ella until I was looking back through old pictures. Luke actually resembles both girls as babies.

We like to torture the babies. It's all in good fun. Luke is a good sport...

Ella sporting the same headband...
I wonder what else the boys will let us do to them as they get older?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

8 Months!

Baby boys are 8 months old today. Yowza!!

The chair shots are getting more difficult. Why didn't I predict this?

Luke thought he was hysterical. He kept lunging off the chair. Andy was standing by to spot the little rascal. Gabe was in shock because our house was crazy today. Crazy. But that's a whole other post.
Eventually Gabe started smiling and Luke continued his shenanigans.
Andy sat between them to gain some control.
Hi pretty boy.
Hey there wild man.
The boys are doing very well. They weigh around 20 pounds and are healthy and strong. Luke is pulling up to stand, crawling like a mad man, flirting with climbing steps, eats anything not tied down, and is smiley and wakes a lot at night. Gabe is sitting, rocking on all fours, loves sitting and playing with toys, prefers fruit to eat, is smiley, and sleeps through the night. They are twins but they are so different and we love them each so much.

This Kid

All of our children have their own special qualities that we love. They all have unique personalities and quirks that we love. Ella is no exception and has something that everyone picks up on. Everywhere we go someone tells me they want to take her home with them. It's a genuine sweetness about her that permeates through your heart.

Ella is shy, reserved, funny, cautious, caring, gentle, nervous, silly, loud, and sweet.
She makes me smile all the time. She says the funniest things and her current phrase is "...RIGHT NOW!!!" which cracks me up because it's really rude but coming from her it makes me laugh. She'll say, "Mom mom, give me a jelly bean RIGHT NOW." Then, she laughs. Her dancing will make anyone laugh. Let's just say she won't likely make the hip hop team.

Is there such a thing?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Feeding Time

The boys are getting so big. They're already eating three real meals a day! They eat baby food and some snacks such as cheerios, cereal bars, puffs, and crackers. Luke is a more voracious eater at this point. Gabe is still happy with a few puffs or cheerios and baby food (he prefers fruit). It's neat having twins and seeing their preferences and how their tastes differ.

Feeding time is done at the same time. They sit in their chairs facing the TV or the girls playing and the hungriest (or most impatient) baby gets fed first. 99% of the time it's Luke. Gabe is much better at waiting his turn.

This pretty much sums the boys up...
Both boys had the same meal. Gabe is clean and happily sucking his thumb. Luke is a mess and looking for more food! I love our baby boys so much.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Big Girl

Last week I registered Lilly for kindergarten. It's hard to believe she will be attending kindergarten in the school where I once taught. It seems like yesterday that I was teaching with her in my belly. This is her last year of preschool *sniff, sniff* and she recently had "Special Guy Night" at her school.

Lilly and her special guy...

Lilly dressed herself in a fancy summer sundress (but with a long sleeve t-shirt thankfully!), white tights, and fancy shoes. She is very into dressing herself these days. I thought that would be hard for me but it's actually easier and fun to see what she comes up with.Ella wanted to go to Special Guy Night too but stayed home to help Mommy put the boys to bed. She did get her picture taken with her special guy...
I'm sad that preschool is coming to a close but think I'll feel fine next year since our kindergarten is only a half day. Essentially it's just like another year of preschool but without the tuition!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

On The Move

Somebody's standing up...
Luke can pull himself up to stand. He's still not skilled enough to get back down but the fact that he's up is distressing! I have a new fear. Up to this point I think I blocked out the fact that we will have two infants/toddlers that are mobile.
I'm afraid.

It's fun to look back at old pictures. Lilly stood up around the same age (a little earlier) and on the same couch.
Lilly reinacting her baby stance.
Ella was also standing at the same age...
While Gabe isn't yet standing, he is up on all fours and rocking! He's also starting to scoot backwards.
Mobile babies, oh my!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I love my surprise visits from Aunt Sherry. When Sherry's family was visiting Jeff's parents this last weekend, Sherry and the girls stopped by for a nice visit. Lilly and Ella love seeing their cousins!! Thank you Sherry for the pictures. I didn't get any of Ella and Lilly worthy of posting but they were here and everyone had a great time.

There's no question where Gabe gets his looks and coloring...
Kate and Luke share the same coloring as well. So cute!
We enjoyed great food and conversation. It's always nice to see family. The girls are still talking about their cousins and looking at the pictures.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Want My Body Back

If I had the guts I'd post my "before" body picture. It's frightening. Even *I* had nightmares. I am going to shed this baby weight, tighten up, and reclaim my body.
I don't care what it takes.

Here are my running partners.
Sometimes during my run I have make laps around my stroller just to see their smiley faces.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ella's First Hair Cut

I took Ella in for her first hair cut because her hair was hanging below her eyes and she would look at us through her hair. Halfway there I realized it's really silly to cut that hair. It makes more sense to let it grow out so I asked the girls if they'd rather get their nails painted (since we were already out and it takes a long time to get out). The girls really wanted to go get Ella's hair cut so we went anyway. I spoke to the lady and she agreed with me that I should just let it grow but since we were there and Ella was already sitting atop a frog, I told her to just skim the back of her hair.
Lilly sitting on the same frog at the exact same age...
I thought Ella would be afraid but she was thrilled! She kept saying, "Cut me!!" Here is Ella's smile. She was looking at these pictures with me and when she saw this one (I was giggling) she said, "Mom mom, my say cheese!!!"
Lilly saying, "Cheese!!"
I just realized the same lady cut Lilly's hair too. Funny. Hi Ella! Ella is used to Mommy drying her hair.
Lilly and the same hair dresser.
When she was done she braided Ella's bangs off to the side. Ella thought she was hot stuff. She was so proud and kept saying, "I big Mom Mom, I big!!" Lilly was the most excited of any of us. She was so proud of Ella and took great care of her.
My sweet girls.

The boys were there. They hung out in their carriers in the waiting area.
Thank you God for giving us easy baby boys.