Monday, March 28, 2011


I've said this many times and I will continue to count my lucky stars that our boys are so amazing. They are easy. They are pleasant. They are sweet. They are happy. They are healthy. They love to play with toys and only fuss when they need to be changed or fed. These pictures sum up our usual days together...

Luke would not look up at me while I was taking these pictures but Gabe was flirting with me the whole time.

Ella loves to play with toys. She entertains herself for hours using her imagination with Barbies, cars, babies ... you name it. It's really awesome for me to watch since Lilly, while independent, has never enjoyed sitting down and playing with toys.
Lilly loves to be physical!

Ella just sits amongst the mess and plays.

Our kids are so good. While the days can drag on at times, I try so hard to remember that these days will be gone all too soon and I will long for them in the future.

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