Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This Kid

All of our children have their own special qualities that we love. They all have unique personalities and quirks that we love. Ella is no exception and has something that everyone picks up on. Everywhere we go someone tells me they want to take her home with them. It's a genuine sweetness about her that permeates through your heart.

Ella is shy, reserved, funny, cautious, caring, gentle, nervous, silly, loud, and sweet.
She makes me smile all the time. She says the funniest things and her current phrase is "...RIGHT NOW!!!" which cracks me up because it's really rude but coming from her it makes me laugh. She'll say, "Mom mom, give me a jelly bean RIGHT NOW." Then, she laughs. Her dancing will make anyone laugh. Let's just say she won't likely make the hip hop team.

Is there such a thing?

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