Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Back

I'm behind on house pictures. I am behind on blogging. I will catch up this week.

This is the view from the back. This is the back bedroom.
Right now the plumber is working and Andy is working on the electrical end of things.

The kids and I are grateful for the warm weather so we can spend time outside rather than inside one room.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fever Free

Luke is fever-free! Yay!
He was much more like himself today and it was quite a relief.
How handsome is this little (big) guy!?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Miss Independent

As Lilly puts it, she "has fashion." Yes, the girl is into what she wears and I can forget about anything that I think is cute or hairstyles I might find adorable for a 5 year old. Nope, Lilly picks out her outfit every day and I have (somehow, which is beyond me) learned to roll with it. I don't even sweat over it anymore! That's major progress.

Lilly's most current favorite outfit:
She has a side ponytail in that is hard to see, denim hat, denim vest, pink rainbow sequined tank, rayon rainbow with rhinestones skirt, and she topped it off with her patent leather black boots.
The girl likes her style. Here she's making a call to her "fashion person."
Ella, bless her heart, she tries to keep up...
In the above picture she is wearing Lilly's shoes on the wrong feet. She is hysterically funny. Below is the outfit she wore one morning to pick Lilly up from school. That is Lilly's first dance leotard and first pair of ballet shoes. She told me she felt pretty!
I am hoping the boys let me dress them until they are married...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Big Day!

Baby boys are 10 months old today!!

More in another post since Luke is sick and I've only been able to hold him all day long.
Poor little buddy has a fever that won't break and he vomited tonight. He's miserable and needs Mommy.
For now, I will leave you with Gabe's latest heart-breaker face.
When he does this to me I melt.

He throws his head back and does a little laugh. Precious.
The girls are doing great. This is Lilly's last week of preschool.
Bring on summer!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Big Window

This truck arrived last week to lift drywall into our front window. I thought the kids would love to sit in the lawn and watch the truck work its magic. It was a beautiful day and heck, we have sons now and boys love trucks, right??
Lukey was scared.
He's always scared. We crack up because he's 23 pounds, super strong, always on the move, but scared of his own shadow. He didn't like the noise (it was loud).

He was fine when I was holding him so we sat and watched. It was fun!
Once the drywall was in, the guys were able to finish up the front of the addition. Putting in the large, heavy window was entertaining. They really appreciated my documenting with my camera. They hollered that they may say a few choice words. I told them that was fine. Ha.

We love the window.
It's very pretty from the outside but even better from the inside. I can't wait to wake up next to it each morning!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Sometimes seemingly normal people...
...can turn abnormal.
I had just returned from the viewing of a dear friend's sister-in-law. We were the same age. I look horrible because I had been crying. I still haven't shaken it as I think about how ripped off Jane was by not getting to see her two precious girls grow up. She was an amazing woman. I was chatting with Andy on the porch swing when Lilly grabbed the camera and my inner loveliness came out. Andy's inner zombie came out. He was proud of his zombie eyes. If we were too normal it wouldn't be any fun and it's important to have fun in life.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Guess Who's Crawling??

Gabey baby is on the move!! He is up and crawling!
He is the world's slowest crawling baby. Baby boy is so funny. He is cautious and deliberate in all that he does. The best part is he's happy! He doesn't feel the need to rush here and there. He sees something he wants and he takes his time slowly making his way over to it and then sits and plays with it.

Lukey is so proud of his baby brother. He finally has his little buddy making the moves with him. Sweet baby boys!!!
*This room is our construction prison. Gated off and blocked by a couch we spend hours upon hours trapped in this room together. I'm just sayin'...

**Since I wrote this post (technical difficulties prevented me from publishing it) Gabe's crawling has sped up! Lover baby baby boy.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spring Strolls

We've been getting out a lot and enjoying the awesome weather we've been having.
Lilly loves to go on bike rides and Ella loves to ride on/in the stroller and the boys are just so easy going that they go along with anything! We love our walks in the afternoons. Sometimes Ella decides she needs to 'stop and smell the roses.'
Or the dogwoods...
Ella enjoys life. She is slow and deliberate and never in a rush. She takes it all in all the time. Lilly also loves life and takes it all in but in a different way... at lightning speed. I remember my mom telling me my entire childhood, "You're so quick!!" and I see that in Lilly. I make sure I don't repeat my mother's words because I hated hearing it! :-) Speaking of my mom, when I see azaleas I think of her. I don't know if she loved them or if it's because we had them in our yard but she's always on my mind when they're blooming in the spring.

Every now and then Ella shows her two year old self and exhibits some stubbornness. It's not often but when she gets her mind set, it's set. She has been known to hop off the stroller and insist on pushing it herself.

It takes a long time to get home this way but hey, this weather is so amazing I don't mind the extra time outside!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day Tea

My computer was temporarily out of service and I got a ton done. Hmmmm... Gabe sucked on the end of my charger so I was unable to charge my laptop. I let it air out for a few days and it works again! Yay!

Lilly's preschool had a Mother's Day Tea last week. Andy was kind enough to take the day off work so I could attend. Lilly dressed herself of course...

The kids were adorable. They sang songs for us.

They also made us a gift and presented it to us. When we sat down they pulled the chair out for us and poured us our drinks. Lilly was a perfect little lady. She made me feel so very special. I reminded her that she made me a mom and for that I am forever grateful.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

D-d-d-ancing Queen

Ella wore this today.

She was proud. She felt pretty. She was the hit of preschool pick-up.

Ella loves to dance and feel pretty.

This kid steals the heart of everyone around her. She is just the most delicious baby girl. Ella is funny, cute, smart, whimsical, loving and a puppy addict. She asks permission to do everything, "Mommy, can I go downstairs?" Yeah, I'm so not used to that (but I do adore you Lilly!!). She's often found hollering off the front porch, "Can I pet your dog!!??" to any and every dog that is walked past our house. Recently Ella has started stuttering a bit and while it's not really funny it is. I know she's fine and her mind is just working faster than her mouth (this kid doesn't do much in a fast pace) and this too shall pass. It's totally adorable (and yes, I ran it by a speech therapist who says it's normal and a phase!).

Now we hear, "C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-an I w-w-w-w-w-alk your d-d-d-d-dog?!" but by the time she's through with the first word they're long gone.

Monday, May 2, 2011

College Boys

I sent this picture to Thomas and Jackie's daughter, Natalie. She is a junior at Fairleigh Dickinson University near New York City. They gave the boys these shirts right after they were born and now they fit!!

The boys look so big to me wearing their college duds and jeans. Sniff, sniff.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Home Wreckage

The banging continues...

God bless the babies who can sleep through pounding 5 feet above their heads.

I am exhausted and I'm not even building anything but I am on childcare detail pretty much around the clock and that's killing me. Andy is tired too as he puts in full days at work and full nights and weekends working on the house.

We have a new roof! Here is our old, tired, black roof (many moons ago before new siding and front porch)...

Our new roof is a charcoal/tan color. We wanted black but the roofer told us black is too hot so we listened and I'm pleased with the color.
Oooh lala, architectural shingles.
I am so glad the roof is complete. It didn't take long but it was loud and constant. This is the side of the new addition. From left to right the windows belong to: back bedroom, bathroom, master bedroom, master bedroom. Our bed will be placed between the two windows on the right.

Having fun dumpster climbing!

We filled the dumpster to the hilt and will be getting rid of it very soon. Can't wait for that either! It's now the smallest of things that make me cheer.

This is a picture I dug up of our family room the way it was before it was destroyed. Sniff, sniff. I didn't love this family room at all but I do miss the space. Take note of the fireplace, brick, brick, brick and awful long mantel and raised hearth. Ack!!

Andy has been working very hard on the family room. We took out all the brick and the hearth so we'll have more room now. We took out the wood burning fireplace and Andy built a new fireplace kick-out on the ground where we'll put a gas fireplace. The ceiling also got a lift of about 6 inches. I'm excited to have more light and am anxious to slap a big tv between the windows that I can see while cooking or cleaning the kitchen. I miss our hang out room!!

Andy chills out on the porch swing at night after he's finished working a 12 hour day.
Tomorrow, if it's not raining, we'll be getting siding on the addition. Pictures and details to follow...