Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Big Window

This truck arrived last week to lift drywall into our front window. I thought the kids would love to sit in the lawn and watch the truck work its magic. It was a beautiful day and heck, we have sons now and boys love trucks, right??
Lukey was scared.
He's always scared. We crack up because he's 23 pounds, super strong, always on the move, but scared of his own shadow. He didn't like the noise (it was loud).

He was fine when I was holding him so we sat and watched. It was fun!
Once the drywall was in, the guys were able to finish up the front of the addition. Putting in the large, heavy window was entertaining. They really appreciated my documenting with my camera. They hollered that they may say a few choice words. I told them that was fine. Ha.

We love the window.
It's very pretty from the outside but even better from the inside. I can't wait to wake up next to it each morning!

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