Sunday, May 1, 2011

Home Wreckage

The banging continues...

God bless the babies who can sleep through pounding 5 feet above their heads.

I am exhausted and I'm not even building anything but I am on childcare detail pretty much around the clock and that's killing me. Andy is tired too as he puts in full days at work and full nights and weekends working on the house.

We have a new roof! Here is our old, tired, black roof (many moons ago before new siding and front porch)...

Our new roof is a charcoal/tan color. We wanted black but the roofer told us black is too hot so we listened and I'm pleased with the color.
Oooh lala, architectural shingles.
I am so glad the roof is complete. It didn't take long but it was loud and constant. This is the side of the new addition. From left to right the windows belong to: back bedroom, bathroom, master bedroom, master bedroom. Our bed will be placed between the two windows on the right.

Having fun dumpster climbing!

We filled the dumpster to the hilt and will be getting rid of it very soon. Can't wait for that either! It's now the smallest of things that make me cheer.

This is a picture I dug up of our family room the way it was before it was destroyed. Sniff, sniff. I didn't love this family room at all but I do miss the space. Take note of the fireplace, brick, brick, brick and awful long mantel and raised hearth. Ack!!

Andy has been working very hard on the family room. We took out all the brick and the hearth so we'll have more room now. We took out the wood burning fireplace and Andy built a new fireplace kick-out on the ground where we'll put a gas fireplace. The ceiling also got a lift of about 6 inches. I'm excited to have more light and am anxious to slap a big tv between the windows that I can see while cooking or cleaning the kitchen. I miss our hang out room!!

Andy chills out on the porch swing at night after he's finished working a 12 hour day.
Tomorrow, if it's not raining, we'll be getting siding on the addition. Pictures and details to follow...

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