Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dance Recital

Sunday was Lilly's third dance recital. We're becoming pros. Ha.

Last week our family battled a random summer stomach virus so by the time Sunday rolled around we had to make a decision as to who was going to take Lilly to the recital and who would stay home with sick kids. I was pretty upset we couldn't go as a family but Andy was super gracious and let me (and Ella) go.

Lilly wanted a bun in her hair but not just any bun. She wanted a big poofy bun. Her class is not required to wear their hair in any particular way so I was encouraging a nice wash and go style but Lilly's mind was set. I YouTube'd videos on how to put in a bun but didn't succeed so I sent Andy to CVS for a bun apparatus but he came home with the wrong thing. On our way to the recital (which is 30 min away) I ran into Walgreens and found the bun thingy majiggy and then busted a move to the recital. I hate rushing.

We arrived on time but I still had to put this bun in Lilly's hair and hadn't a clue how the thing worked.
In all of our rushing we realized Lilly grabbed one ballet shoe that fit and one from when she was two. This is how I sent her backstage for her first dance...
I started to obsess once Ella and I were in the auditorium and I could think straight but then figured it's not the end of the world. Before I had the twins I would have spiraled into a full panic attack but the boys have given me perspective that I can only do so much and at least she was at the recital in costume and on time!
Lilly's famous eye-cut. Ella's famous crazy-smile.
Lilly did a great job in both of her dances and both times she had two shoes. I didn't even ask how or where. Lilly was cool with it so I considered it a success! *She did say, "They kept taking my shoe!" and I laughed because it wasn't her shoe. Wonder who they took it off of each time?

Ella loved the show. She sat still in her seat for two hours in awe of the show before her eyes. She has since played dance recital numerous times. I would love for her to dance but she's too shy to go into the classroom; we've tried.

Everyone is well and we showed Andy the video of Lilly dancing.
All is right with the world.

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