Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Laid Back

Ella and Gabe enjoyed the boys' baby pool on the deck one day.  These two are a lot alike.  They're mellow and like to play with toys.  They both pay attention to detail and are not the most physical kids (though Gabe has gained a lot of strength!).  It has been so hot and I had great intentions of putting the boys in this little pool at our swim club.  

I woke up ambitious one day last week and decided to take all four kids to the pool on my own (first attempt).  I packed lunches, towels, and toys.  I was there about 15 minutes before realizing it was a huge FAIL.  I ended up going home shortly thereafter.  Ends up the boys like to climb out of the little pool and crawl to the edge of the big pool.  Ella likes the baby pool.  Lilly likes the big pool.  I only have 2 arms.  My boobs were sweating.  Enough said.

For now we will stay on our deck.

 Ella bell has come into the twos.  I am hesitant to call them the 'terrible twos' since Lilly christened us with a few crazy tough years but Ella is definitely working on expressing herself.  She is still super sweet, funny, and has become very independent.  She is also completely potty trained (if you consider 30 minute pooping sessions with me singing to the poop to come swim in the potty while she releases one small poop at a time, normal).

 Ella loves her Barbie dolls.  She's great at playing in general but loves to play with Barbies.  She's a super easy kid.

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