Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Eve

Trying to get a family picture on Christmas Eve proved to be comical.  Andy said he wished we had a video camera rolling.  Every time I placed one baby the other got up and ran away.  The babies thought it was hysterical.  I was sweating and gave up on my dream of the perfect fireplace shot.  Here's the best I got...
 Lilly read The Night Before Christmas to the kids (and Oliver) before heading up to bed.
 Santa came and delivered the toys.  Mommy snuck a peak and took some pictures.  Ella's pile...
 The boys...
 Family and shared gifts...
 Oliver was not used to staying up until 2:30 a.m.!
 The kids went to bed without a problem.  I'm waiting for Lilly to struggle to sleep the night before Christmas but so far, she's not had a problem.  I'll count my blessings!

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