Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I have computer issues and life's a bit hectic but I found a few random photos on my camera that I took this week.  I need to pull the camera out more often when Lilly is home. I tend to take more pictures in the morning when she's at school.

Ella's hair is long!  I don't think we've ever had it cut.  She rarely lets me put it up but on this date I convinced her to try braids.

  Tomorrow I am starting Music Together with the twins and Ella.  I'm excited but hope I can handle having all 3 there on my own.  Usually it's 1 parent with 1 child.

Gabe giving his brother his binky.  
 They're so adorable together lately.  They play and make each other giggle hysterically.  They share (Luke more than Gabe at this point).  Luke takes Gabe his blankie when Gabe is upset. 

Both boys like to carry the girls' bags/purses.  I think it's adorable.
They love to sit on the pantry floor and eat their snack with the door closed so Oliver can't bother them.
 Lilly's doing well in school and loves playing with Oliver.  He's already outgrown her and she can hardly carry him around.  It's sad to think we won't be able to carry him around soon.  I already struggle holding him.

My computer needs a new hard drive.  When I take it in it will be gone for 2 weeks.  That will be hard for me but thankfully I have my phone.  I'll have to see if I can blog from my phone.  I'm sure there's a way...

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