Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Daddy's First Post

Please excuse me if this post isn't up to snuff.

Kristin's labor experience was interesting once again. She began regular contractions around 10:00PM yesterday. She finally woke me around 3:00 and called Jackie. Of course Jackie came to our rescue. Jackie DiNunzio came over to watch soon to be big sister Lilly Grayce. Kristin and I ventured off to U.Penn.

Upon arriving at Penn we went through the preliminary admissions and then we were off to PEC (or something like that). Kristin's contractions were now about 4 to 5 minutes apart and lasted anywhere from 40 seconds to a minute and a half. The nurse checked and assessed Kristin as 1 - 2 cm dilated; not enough for admission. So we were off for a walk. Kristin and I strolled the halls for almost an hour before she threw up in the hall (into a spit pan). A nurse sent us back to PEC. Apparently it against the rules to throw up in the hall.

The nurse re-assessed Kristin. She thought she was about 2 cm at this point but wasn't sure. It was good that she asked for another nurse to check. The 2nd nurse assessed Kristin at 4 to 5 cms dilated. WE WERE IN!

By the time we made it into the delivery room, Kristin was obviously in pain. Before she could even sit down the Mid-wife knew something was up. She had Kristin get in the bed ASAP. In little under twenty minutes Ella Rose Davis was born.

Baby Ella Rose arrived at 7:34 AM. She is a whopping 7 pounds 14 ounces and 20 and 3/4 inches long. Momma and baby are doing well.

I hope you enjoyed my first Clifford and George post!

1 comment:

Kay said...

Great job Daddy..congratulations and give Ella a big kiss for us!