Friday, November 14, 2008

My Sweet Angel

The last two days with Lilly have been amazing. I always love and cherish my time at home with her but at this age we have many trying days. Yesterday we went to the grocery store and she was so helpful and put all the groceries in the cart, stayed with me, said "Excuse me" and "Hello!" as she passed people and was just my little buddy. She didn't run from me and we had a great time. When we got home she helped me unpack the groceries and was so cooperative and sweet.

Today she had gym. I could cry at how amazing she was at gym - we've come a long way! She shared and waited her turn with a smile on her face. She used wonderful manners (which she's always been very good about) and was patient and kind. When a couple kids cried she went over to them and asked if they were ok and even kissed one little girl on the forehead. When the teacher handed out stuffed horses one little boy was left empty-handed and she immediately went over and gave him her horse. I didn't have to intervene once. I was so proud of her (and yes I told her this many times) and so happy to see her acting like such a big girl.

We did a few errands after gym and again, she was wonderful. We ate lunch together and she went to sleep without a fuss. I am enjoying and relishing these last few days of alone time with her. I am just so grateful that we're able to enjoy this time without the power struggles that come with being two!

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