Thursday, November 20, 2008


We're home! So happy to be home and reunited with my computer! Last night in the hospital I dropped my phone in the sink with the water running. We didn't activate the room phone so I couldn't call out using that, my cell was dead as a doornail, and I was stuck - STRANDED - in this room alone with no way to access the outside world! Out of desperation I asked the nurse if I could use her personal cell phone to call Andy and give him the room number... Amazing how addicted I am to technology.

I am thrilled to be home! I had a nice stay but it was time to get home to normal life. Since my recovery is so much better with Ella I was eager to get out of the hospital and I desperately missed Lilly and our routines.

Lilly's napping, Ella's napping, and I have my laptop. Life is good.

Short one today but I'll write more later!


Anonymous said...

I left a comment but they came back and said No Comment.
OK here goes. The pictures are so bright and beautiful. I feel like I almost touch you.
The music touches me. I am so close and yet so far away. What did I ever do before cumpeter and our Blog.
Love you

Anonymous said...

I love the music you select for your Blog.
It touches me so much. I let it play until the very end.
The pictures are so bright and good.
I forward them to my closet friends and believe me they respond before the ink dries.
I love you, Andy, Lilly and Ella Rose Grandmother