Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Sunday my sister Stephanie and my nieces Brooke and Bailee came to visit from Florida! Last year they visited during spring break and they received 3 free tickets on their return to Florida (I think they were bumped or offered to be bumped) and they expired on April 1st. I told Stephanie to go somewhere exotic but she chose to come back to see us in very very rainy New Jersey! Lilly was very excited. She loves to see her cousins!! She had just seen Kate and Elizabeth and couldn't wait to see Brooke and Bailee.

The visit was wonderful. The girls are so grown up. Brooke is 13...
Bailee is 10.
It rained every minute of their visit. We went to see the Easter Bunny at the mall today. We were the only ones there. Lilly was pumped.

Ella wanted to ride in a police car stroller so I rented one but Lilly liked it more.
I needed to get Lilly white Mary Janes for Easter so we hung out in Payless where Brooke had a little fun.
Cousins at the mall.
Poor Ella. She has Strep Throat and Bronchitis and I stuck her on the Easter Bunny's lap. I knew she'd cry so I prepared the photographer and they quickly snapped the picture and I took her off of his lap.
When we got home Lilly matter-of-factly told me that the Easter Bunny was just some guy dressed up in a costume. I was shocked but then I thought about it and of course she probably thinks the Easter Bunny is a real bunny and the costume had to seem obvious to her this year at the ripe 'ol age of four. My baby's growing up.

When we got home the girls dyed Easter eggs. Ella played with plastic eggs.

Ella pretended to dye eggs with a plastic egg and water.

Then they had an Easter egg hunt in the house.
We had a great time though it was too short! I look forward to their return visit in July when the boys arrive.

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