Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lilly's First Swim Meet

Lilly had her first swim meet tonight! Here is the video (click):

Lilly's Swim Meet

Lilly is on the Training Squad which is the pre-team. She practices five mornings a week from 10:30-11:00 a.m. She has really become a good little swimmer (and she is mostly self-taught)! She can swim freestyle and is working on breathing to the side. She can dive in, float on her back, swim backstroke, do handstands, and front/back flips in the water.

For the B meets on Wednesday nights the Training Squad is invited to do 1 lap with a kick board. They have a big kid in the pool with them if they need assistance (Lilly can't tread well so deep water is still a no-no) and they all get a ribbon! If you listen closely in the video after Lilly's handed her blue ribbon she says, "I want a red ribbon!"

Here are some still shots of her first swim meet. Yay Lilly!

They gave all the kids a blow-pop while waiting 45 minutes for the meet to start. It worked for about 10 minutes...
Jessica ~ Lilly's big kid helper.
Lilly with her buddy Peter.
Ella sat with all the kids waiting for the meet to begin.
Waiting for her race.
I have been very surprised by Lilly's attitude at both her dance recital and swim meet this year. She is very aggressive and competitive during dance classes and swim practice/playing at the pool. When she gets to the competition day she becomes very reserved! It throws me for a loop!!
*I love her baggy suit in the butt.*

Right before her race, Lilly said to her swim coach (who is 16 year's old), "I am 4. I can't be in the deep end by myself." Her coach reassured her she'd have a big kid helping. How cute is that!?

Getting her ribbon. She was thrilled.

We had fun! It was nice to have the meet over in 1 minute as I know we have many long swim meets in our future. Lilly had a good time and was exhausted.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Girly Girls

Lilly and Ella got dressed to go out the other day...
Lilly picked out her own outfit, Mama's dress hat, and had bags packed with tons of little gadgets and toys.
She's our little bag lady.
Ella loves necklaces (and other jewelry). Lilly helped her get dressed. Ella was twirling around which means she's very excited about how she looks.

It's going to be a big change to have boys in the house! We're used to dress-up, jewelry, pinks and purples, hair accessories, make-up, and purses!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Dad

Happy Father's Day Dad.

I wanted to share a picture of life as you knew it before me.
I know that my arrival into your life changed you forever.
For the better...

I can see how unhappy you were in this picture.

And yes, I can see how happy everyone else was without me. Sniff, sniff.

Thank you for being my dad. Thank you for taking a role in my kids' lives even though we live far away.
Thank you for driving through the night when Lilly was born.

And coming as soon as I was ready for visitors when Ella was born!
Thank you for your love and support.
Happy Father's Day.

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

Your girls adore you!

It's been a wonderful 4 years of parenting with you.
We've figured out so much about this crazy thing called parenting together and I know we have so much more to learn. Thank you for being a wonderful father to our girls. Here's to many many more years ...
*Rehearsal dinner 2004

Friday, June 18, 2010


I'm a wimp.

I haven't blogged regularly because I have become so huge that all I do is sit around and ponder how I'll make it through to the next hour.

I complain to Andy.

I complain in my mind.

(I was never a complainer in pregnancy but this one is a doozy!)

I will save you from the details and let you see for yourself...

I am 33 weeks pregnant.
Full term for twins is 36 weeks but they will let me go to 38 weeks.
I have a strange sinking feeling that I'll be going all the way.

Send prayers.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Lilly's Phone Conversation

Today, as she does many days, Lilly had a (pretend) phone conversation on her princess phone. She cracks me up. I happened to have my camera nearby so I captured this conversation she had with her great-grandmother ("Mama") and her grandfather ("Papa") today. The best part is, we had just gotten home from the dentist where she had to have 3 cavities filled (not my genes!!!) and her whole mouth was numb. The speech is hysterical. Enjoy.

Lilly's phone conversation

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lilly's Full Dance Videos

Once again Blogger chopped off the right portion of each You Tube video. Here are the full screen videos. Just click on each link:



Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lilly's Dance Recital

Yesterday was Lilly's 2nd dance recital. I love dance recitals! I know I'm in the minority but I just love to watch the entire thing.
This year Lilly had a ballet and a jazz dance.

Getting ready to go on stage for her ballet dance to a Tinkerbell song.

Andy and Stephie wait for the show to begin.
Lilly's ballet dance!

One day I'll figure out how to take a flattering pregnancy picture but until then...
Stephie loved the recital and is even going to enroll in a hip hop class next year!

Getting ready for her jazz dance.
The dance...

When I met her coming off the stage after her last dance she said, "You didn't bring me flowers did you?"

Of course we did! She was so happy. She said, "Thank you Mother!" Ha.

I'm so glad Lilly likes to dance. She was much more serious this year at the recital. I kept saying to Andy, "I don't think she feels well" since she was sick yesterday with a fever and she threw up! I'm not sure if it was that or she's just getting older *sniff sniff* and is more aware. As long as she's happy we're happy.
Way to go baby girl!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lilly was very physically advanced as a toddler but talked late.
Ella is an early talker stringing phrases together but is not very steady or confident on her feet.

But I guess all babes like to climb.
It was exactly this month that I found Lilly sitting on the couch in her beach chair.
*This is Lilly at 18 months.

*Notice the bandaid.
I cracked up today when I found Ella at the same exact age doing the same thing but on the coffee table.
This is Ella at 18 months.
*Note the bandaid.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pumpkin Contest!

Our local farmer's market is having a pumpkin growing contest. They provided 3 pumpkin seeds to be planted June 8-June 20.
The biggest pumpkin in Sept./Oct. wins.

Lilly planted her 3 seeds this afternoon.
She dug the holes and dropped one in each hole.
She even weeded along the way!
Covering over with soil.
Ta-da! Now we need one more thing...

I'm just hoping they grow.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Quiet. Calm.
Sweet baby girl in her favorite necklace.