Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lilly's First Swim Meet

Lilly had her first swim meet tonight! Here is the video (click):

Lilly's Swim Meet

Lilly is on the Training Squad which is the pre-team. She practices five mornings a week from 10:30-11:00 a.m. She has really become a good little swimmer (and she is mostly self-taught)! She can swim freestyle and is working on breathing to the side. She can dive in, float on her back, swim backstroke, do handstands, and front/back flips in the water.

For the B meets on Wednesday nights the Training Squad is invited to do 1 lap with a kick board. They have a big kid in the pool with them if they need assistance (Lilly can't tread well so deep water is still a no-no) and they all get a ribbon! If you listen closely in the video after Lilly's handed her blue ribbon she says, "I want a red ribbon!"

Here are some still shots of her first swim meet. Yay Lilly!

They gave all the kids a blow-pop while waiting 45 minutes for the meet to start. It worked for about 10 minutes...
Jessica ~ Lilly's big kid helper.
Lilly with her buddy Peter.
Ella sat with all the kids waiting for the meet to begin.
Waiting for her race.
I have been very surprised by Lilly's attitude at both her dance recital and swim meet this year. She is very aggressive and competitive during dance classes and swim practice/playing at the pool. When she gets to the competition day she becomes very reserved! It throws me for a loop!!
*I love her baggy suit in the butt.*

Right before her race, Lilly said to her swim coach (who is 16 year's old), "I am 4. I can't be in the deep end by myself." Her coach reassured her she'd have a big kid helping. How cute is that!?

Getting her ribbon. She was thrilled.

We had fun! It was nice to have the meet over in 1 minute as I know we have many long swim meets in our future. Lilly had a good time and was exhausted.

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