Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lilly's Dance Recital

Yesterday was Lilly's 2nd dance recital. I love dance recitals! I know I'm in the minority but I just love to watch the entire thing.
This year Lilly had a ballet and a jazz dance.

Getting ready to go on stage for her ballet dance to a Tinkerbell song.

Andy and Stephie wait for the show to begin.
Lilly's ballet dance!

One day I'll figure out how to take a flattering pregnancy picture but until then...
Stephie loved the recital and is even going to enroll in a hip hop class next year!

Getting ready for her jazz dance.
The dance...

When I met her coming off the stage after her last dance she said, "You didn't bring me flowers did you?"

Of course we did! She was so happy. She said, "Thank you Mother!" Ha.

I'm so glad Lilly likes to dance. She was much more serious this year at the recital. I kept saying to Andy, "I don't think she feels well" since she was sick yesterday with a fever and she threw up! I'm not sure if it was that or she's just getting older *sniff sniff* and is more aware. As long as she's happy we're happy.
Way to go baby girl!

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