Wednesday, February 23, 2011

7 Months

It's true ...

The boys are 7 months old today. I don't know what it is about the 7 in this equation that makes me feel like they're a year old. I remember this happening with the girls too. They're closer to a year old than they are to a newborn.
It seems impossible and it makes me sad.

The other day all the kids ended up in Gabe's crib. I don't even know how it happened but it was beautiful. They hung out together, in the crib, for a good half hour. The sunlight was streaming through the window, the kids were giggling and hugging and kissing. Bliss.

The boys are changing every single day. It's such a cool time to be a parent (is there ever an uncool time?). The chair pictures are getting harder and harder to capture. I thought a prop would help ...
Luke was impossible to keep in one spot.
Finally I was able to get them to both look at me, stop crying (they were crying during this photo attempt and thanks to the girls behind me they stopped), and look somewhat pleasant. Luke looks much bigger (he's not) because he was lunging toward the camera.
The boys are so sweet and easy. They love to play with toys and they spend the majority of their day on the floor, together, playing. They also eat baby food three times a day and they're both sleeping through the night (Luke from 6:30 p.m. - 4 a.m. and then back to sleep and Gabe from 6:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m.). They smile and babble and laugh. They love their sisters and are very tolerant. The girls love them so much and spend a lot of time playing with them and talking to them. It's very sweet.

Guess who's sitting?
Gabe works so hard in physical therapy and is now sitting for short periods of time, playing on his belly all the time, starting to pivot to reach for toys while on his belly, and we're starting to help him creep. He works so hard and gets so proud when he does something that makes us clap. He is still very calm and even has a polite cry. Gabe observes everything around him and is extremely patient and laid back.
He's such a sweet baby.

Luke is into everything now! He is crawling all over the place and loves to play with any and everything he can get his hands on (especially this tutu).

Luke doesn't spend much time sitting because he is always on the go. He always has a smile on his face and is very busy. He's a hungry boy and loves to eat! Luke will be pulling up soon which scares me because I know how the rest will unfold... Time to get out the baby gates. Luke is eager and busy but is also a sweet sweet boy and a very good baby.

I am so grateful that we lucked out with four healthy, happy, and great kids.

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