Monday, February 7, 2011

Chomp Chomp Chomp

We have teeth!!

Luke is sprouting two teeth. He is our earliest 'tooth-sprouter' to date. The girls got their first teeth at 7.5 months on the dot so I wasn't even thinking of teeth for the boys yet. Luke's our most difficult sleeper so when he'd been extra fussy regarding sleep I didn't consider that teeth could be a contributor. Not only did he cut his teeth first, he's the only of our children (Gabe excluded) who allows me to open his mouth and look at his new teeth. He even let me photograph them! Thank you Lukey Duke.

Our baby boy is sprouting teeth and sitting and semi-crawling.
I can't take it.

I'm glad Gabe's not quite there yet so I still have one more baby to enjoy these last baby developments we'll get the joy of experiencing. Wahhhh.

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