Thursday, February 3, 2011

Boy Boys

The boys are growing and changing so quickly. I won't tell you what it does to me...

Gabe has made great progress with the help of time and physical therapy.
He's a happy little dude.

He can now push all the way up and roll over and over again.
This picture mimics the one above but I just couldn't decide which and Luke has 3 pictures on here so ...
Luke, aka Lilly, is so busy I could hardly get these pictures!
He is a smiley little guy too.

Luke can push up high, roll over and over again, and he's about to crawl.
He will not stay still. He constantly has his eye on the prize.
The boys have completed our family in so many ways. I look at all the kids sitting around the table during lunch and I just smile. Lilly holding Ella's hand, Ella chatting it up with Lilly, Luke and Gabe taking it all in and sharing toys (we call Luke "Swiper" since he takes Gabe's toys). Life is good.

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