Today is Friday. That means we go to St. Andrew's nursery school for the Parent-Toddler nursery school class. Lilly loves it and that's all that matters, right? It's a class made up of 2 sweet teachers and 9 other 18-22 month olds and their mommies. There is a curriculum and a schedule that we follow each Friday. When the kids arrive it's free play for about 30 min., then on to circle time with a song and hello to Pokey the stuffed dog shoved in a milkbone box and a story. After that we go outside on the playground and when we come inside the children wash their hands and sit back down in the circle. The dreaded circle time. I'll get to that later. They find their picture and sit down to sing a few songs and have a small little lesson about the theme of the day (today was a farm theme). Then off to snack (10 toddlers and mommies at 1 round table with teeny tiny chairs for the kids - mommies on their knees). Then it's center time! Oh how I miss center time in my own classroom when I could sit at the reading table and feel fulfilled teaching youngsters to read. During St. Andrew's center time the children make a craft, paint, play play dough, have fun at the sand table, and read books. And finally it's clean up, one last circle time (ahhh!!!) and home we go.
Did I mention there's no binky's or sippy cups allowed? Or that all the kids drink out of a dixie cup at snack (we've been practicing and just about have it now)? And that Lilly looks a bit like a wild animal that's been caged? She's great, don't get me wrong. But she's not going to sit still in a circle for a story, or wait her turn to hug and kiss Pokey - that much we know. And centers? Oh, she's supposed to take time to do the activity? Not just throw some paint on the paper, toss some sand out of the sand table, take a playdough ball from another child and throw it (hey it's a ball isn't it?), or rush through a craft to be done?? Oh, well then we're all good! All jokes aside, she's adorable. Fits right in with the others and enjoys herself. She is exhausted when it's over and yes, we have a binky and a sippie cup of juice waiting in the car.
Did I mention there's no binky's or sippy cups allowed? Or that all the kids drink out of a dixie cup at snack (we've been practicing and just about have it now)? And that Lilly looks a bit like a wild animal that's been caged? She's great, don't get me wrong. But she's not going to sit still in a circle for a story, or wait her turn to hug and kiss Pokey - that much we know. And centers? Oh, she's supposed to take time to do the activity? Not just throw some paint on the paper, toss some sand out of the sand table, take a playdough ball from another child and throw it (hey it's a ball isn't it?), or rush through a craft to be done?? Oh, well then we're all good! All jokes aside, she's adorable. Fits right in with the others and enjoys herself. She is exhausted when it's over and yes, we have a binky and a sippie cup of juice waiting in the car.

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