Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Dog Ate My Homework

I've done enough bitching about the weather so I thought I'd say, "Thank goodness it feels like fall tonight!!!" Woo hoo! I loved putting a sweatshirt on - it felt great. I sure do love a big comfy sweatshirt. Now let's keep this weather and I'll be good.

Some of you may not know that I got braces in June. I was not happy with my bite and figured since I had extra baby weight and was staying home, why not just ugly it up while no one cared what I looked like! In all honesty, very few people even notice since they're clear on top. So three days ago the gum between my teeth started aching. By today it had turned into a throbbing feeling all day long. I called the dentist and their son is getting married so they're closed and referring patients to a different dentist. So I called my orthodontist and he said to come right over (thank you Thomas for sitting at our house while Lilly slept!). I went and they dug and dug to no avail. Finally they had to take part of the braces apart to get to the spot and then they dug out a small popcorn kernel... Yes, I hear you - no popcorn with braces. But if you read the blog there's proof that Lilly got a bag of popcorn (which I didn't eat any of) off the counter and began eating it. Popcorn is a choking hazard for babies. So in order to keep her happy and be a protective mother, I decided I would bite the kernel off and give her the remainder of the corn. Bad idea. Braces and kernels don't go together. Lesson learned. But the orthodontist found the story humorous at least. I'm sure he believed me...

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