Tuesday, October 9, 2007

If There's a Will, There's a Way

Throughout my years of teaching I had a few kids (2 stick out in my mind) that I could completely rely on. Even at 7 years old they could help me with anything - my memory, my mail, changing the calendar, getting a sick child to the nurse, passing out papers, filing papers, you name it! They really stick out in my mind because at such a young age you don't expect it nor do you see it often. While it was usually girls I did have a boy or two in the running. I always related to these kids because as the youngest I think I too easily figured things out (and if it didn't come easy I sure as hell didn't stop trying), put things together and/or found a way to do it. I know my family can attest to this...
While Lilly may look like her father, it does seem she's picked up my "I can do it" gene (though in all honesty and to be fair - Andy is very much like this too). Not a day goes by where she doesn't surprise me with something she does. Today, I caught it on film. Granted she strayed from me during a diaper change so she's not put back together (no pj bottoms and onesie not snapped) but that's all part of the deal - she has no time for diaper changes. When she wants something, she finds a way to get it. She carried her art easel seat from the family room to the counter today just for popcorn. And she's really not allowed to eat popcorn! Major choking hazard. But she scoped it out and on her tippy toes got it. I did take it away from her after the picture of course. I think we're in for a long road ahead of us!

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